Richard Moon is Distinguished University Professor and Professor of Law at the University of Windsor. His research focuses on freedom of expression and freedom of conscience and religion. He is the author of The Life and Death of Freedom of Expression (U of T Press, 2024), Putting Faith in Hate: When Religion is the Source or Target of Hate Speech (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2018), Freedom of Conscience and Religion (Irwin Law, 2014) (2nd edition, 2024), The Constitutional Protection of Freedom of Expression (U of T Press, 2000), and Report to the Canadian Human Rights Commission Concerning Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Regulation of Hate Speech on the Internet (CHRC, 2008), editor of Law and Religious Pluralism in Canada (UBC Press, 2008), co-editor of Religion and the Exercise of Public Authority (Hart/Bloomsbury, 2016), Indigenous Spirituality and Religious Freedom (U of T Press, in press), The Surprising Constitution (UBC Press, 2024), contributing editor to Canadian Constitutional Law (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th editions) (Emond-Montgomery, 2006, 2010, 2016, 2022). He has been the recipient of both the law school and university-wide teaching awards, the Mary Lou Dietz Award for contributions to the advancement of equity in the university and community, and The Sir Muhammad Zafrulla Khan Distinguished Public Service Award (The Amadiyya Muslim Jama’at), Toronto, July 15, 2023. He has held a number of academic positions including President of the Canadian Law and Society Assn.
Many of his publications can be found at his SSRN author's page:
Recent Publications
“A New Life for Section 13 of the Canada Human Rights Act”, Constitutional Forum (forthcoming 2025).
“Religion and Hate Speech” in Eric Heinze, Natalie Alkiviadou, Tom Herrenberg, Sejal Parmar and Ioanna Tourkochoriti eds., Oxford Handbook of Hate Speech (OUP, 2024).
Freedom of Conscience and Religion (2nd ed) (Irwin Law, 2024).
The Surprising Constitution (UBC Press, 2024) (co-edited with Howard Kislowicz and Kerri Froc).
"Limits on Rights: The Myth of Balancing" in Kislowicz et al eds, The Surprising Constitution (UBC Press, 2024).
The Life and Death of Freedon Expression (UTP, 2024).
“Freedom of Expression: Background Paper for the Public Order Emergency Commission”, September 2022.
"R v Big M Drug Mart and the Importance of Religion" in R. Barker, P. Babie, and N, Foster (eds), Law and Religion Landmark Cases (Hart/Bloomsbury, 2022).
"Comment on Fraser v. Canada (AG): The More Things Change", Constitutional Forum (March, 2021).
"The Protocols of the Elder Trudeau: A Canadian Conspiracy Theory", Literary Review of Canada (Sept. 2020).
Indigenous Spirituality and Religious Freedom (UTP, forthccoming 2024) (co-edited with Jeffery Hewitt)
"Ktunaxa v. BC and the Shape of Religious Freedom" in J. Hewitt and R. Moon, eds., Indigenous Spirituality and Religious Freedom (UTP, forthcoming 2024)
“The Conscientious Objection of Medical Practitioners to the CPSO’s Effective Referral Requirement”, 29(1) Constitutional Forum (May 2020).
“Conscientious Objection and the Politics of Cake-Baking”, 9 Oxford J. of Law and Religion (2020).
"Pierre Trudeau and the Separation of Law and Religion" in N. Karazivan and J. Leclair, The Legacy of Pierre Trudeau (Lexis/Nexis, 2020)
"Does Freedom of Expression have a Future?" in E. Macfarlane ed., Dilemmas of Free Expression (U of T Press, 2021).
Oped in Policy Options, "Charter arguments will not help Vaccine Mandate Opponents" Sept 29, 2021,
Op-ed in Toronto Star, “Harper’s Magazine Letter Exposes the Crisis in Our Public Discourse”, Toronto Star, July 13, 2020,
"Trinity Western Univ. v. LSBC: Complicated Answers to a Simple Question" 94 Supreme Court Law Review 335 (2019).
“Free Speech Controversies on Campus", Academic Matters (Fall, 2018)
“The Demise of Free Speech”, 28 Constitutional Forum 1 (2019)
“Dolphin Delivery and the Court’s Loss of Confidence”, 39 National Journal of Constitutional Law 123 (2019).
“Conscience in the Image of Religion” in John Adenitire (ed.), Religious Beliefs and Conscientious Exemptions in a Liberal State (Hart/Bloomsbury, 2019).