Prof Thomasen expresses concerns about Windsor Police drone unit

Professor Kristen Thomasen (photo credit: CBC Windsor)

Windsor Police Service will launch a drone unit this September. The drone would likely be used at crime scenes and firearms/weapons calls, accoring to CBC Windsor, but Windsor Law professor Kristen Thomasen expressed concerns about how it will be used in locations where citizens don’t expect privacy like public areas, and the potential for "mission creep" - expanded use beyond the original plans.

Professor Thomasen does on to explain that a common theme with automated technologies is that there's a possibility that tools with defined use-cases can be adapted for other situations. "There's that possibility that the technology actually extends into other areas where we start to get into concerns around civil liberties and our Charter rights being violated," she said.

Read the full article on CBC Windsor's website. 

View the CBC Windsor Morning Interview online.