Priority 1: Enriching Student Experience
- Innovate curriculum: Launch new curriculum that is rigorous, relevant and people-centred.
- Listen to students: Continue to invest in programs and supports that enrich student experience and learning.
- Elevate community-based learning opportunities: Offer formative clinical, externship and experiential opportunities in the community.
- Strive for accessible legal education: Study what Windsor Law has learned from its leadership on holistic admissions, and tell the story.
Priority 2: Building a Welcoming Learning Space
- Plan for future space: Revise and renovate the current Faculty of Law building.
- Resources for future space: Fundraise the money necessary for a state-of-the-art law school.
- Communicate progress towards achieving future space: Ensure stakeholders are kept apprised as the process unfolds.
Priority 3: Supporting Cutting-Edge Research, Teaching and Service-Excellence
- Invest in research: Raise the profile and impact of Windsor Law scholarship.
- Enhance student experience: Undertake a review of the structure, workflow and policies relating to the administration of admissions, academic programming, teaching and learning.
- Grow our commitment to community: Take advantage of our unique location.
Priority 4: Investing in the Law School Community and Sharing our Story
- Enhance communication: Get even better at sharing Windsor Law's exceptional story both internally and externally.
- Support the ongoing development of our faculty as people-centred, community-engaged, justice-seeking, dynamic and inclusive: Advance and reflect our core values.
- Create an even greater place to learn and work: Build on Windsor Law's unique community of belonging.