Windsor Law kicked off the 50th anniversary year in January with a book launch and scholarship celebration. The Honourable George R. Strathy, Chief Justice of Ontario, and University of Windsor President, Dr. Alan Wildeman joined us to congratulate our faculty and celebrated authors: Pascale Chapdelaine, Sujith Xavier, Brian Manarin, William Bogart, Julie MacFarlane and Richard Moon.
For 50 years, our faculty has helped change the world we live in through cutting-edge legal research.
Our faculty are exceptional scholars and excellent teachers who are among the leaders in their fields. They are widely published in books and prominent law journals and are actively engaged in community and public policy issues. Our students are also actively engaged in scholarship. Since 1976, they have contributed to a student-run and peer-reviewed interdisciplinary law journal, the Windsor Review of Legal and Social Issues (WRLSI), formerly known as the Canadian Community Law journal.