News Stories

Webinar series to consider adjudicative tribunals and administrative justice

A two-part webinar series developed by Associate Dean (Research & Graduate studies) Laverne Jacobs and Tribunal Watch Ontario will consider how adjudicative tribunals and administrative justice can be improved on the ground.

The series will see experts in the field of law and stakeholders from different key perspectives, including that of diversity and inclusion.

Law alum aims to reduce vaccine hesitancy

The “This is Our Shot” T-shirt
The “This is Our Shot” T-shirt encourages Canadians to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

While COVID-19 counts in Canada show no signs of slowing, more needs to be done in order to reduce vaccine hesitancy, says Windsor Law alumn Guri Pannu '07.


Mooting successes go virtual

Mooting team
Walsh Family Law Moot second-place team members: Nikita Matthew, Hannah Pye Robins, Sophia Cripouris,
Kevin MacNeil, and Samantha D’Souza Sen. Not pictured: coach Cynthia Nantais.

Mooting competitions offer law students opportunities to practise and improve oral advocacy skills in a simulated appellate court or arbitration for credit.
