News Stories

Prof Hewitt receives Law Society Medal

During an awards ceremony held on May 22 in Toronto, Professor Jeffery Hewitt received the 2019 Law Society Medal from Law Society of Ontario bencher Teresa Donnelly (left). One of eight lawyers to receive the medal this year, he was honoured for his exemplary role as an academic, advocate and leader, and for his work on Indigenous legal initiatives and justice.

Assoc. Dean Jacobs receives Accessibility Award

On Thursday May 23th, 2019 Assisted Living Southwestern Ontario (ALSO) in partnership with the University of Windsor, St. Clair College, the City of Windsor and the Amherstburg Accessibility Advisory Committee presented the 4th Windsor-Essex Accessibility Awards. The annual event recognizes individuals, organizations and businesses who have made a difference in creating a more accessible community for people with disabilities, acquired brain injuries and seniors.