Windsor Law - Law Foundation of Ontario Social Justice Fellowships

The Windsor Law Social Justice Fellowship Program is intended to support students interested in obtaining exposure to social justice advocacy in either a domestic or an international context and to enhance the capacity of future social justice lawyers to work towards the protection of human rights and the pursuit of social justice goals. The Program is designed to enable the Fellows to experience enriching professional and intellectual opportunities.

Fellowships funds will be awarded for international or domestic placements. Students should not otherwise be paid by the organization. Fellows work at their placements for 35 hours per week for 10 weeks.


Program Mandate

The Social Justice Fellowship program:

  • facilitates a sustained and rigorous inquiry into the contexts of socio-legal problems and oppressive dimensions of the law and the legal system, including dispossession, domination, colonization, subordination, privilege, poverty, and racialization and/or occupation, settlement, and conquest;
  • promotes and furthers an anti-racist, anti-oppression perspective where the central goal is to engage in transformative systemic change to ameliorate the lived experiences of marginalized people;
  • selects students from a pool of outstanding upper year candidates with a demonstrated commitment to anti-racism anti-oppression, and decolonization; and
  • requires students to satisfy a directed reading requirement (which can be viewed as part of their transnational/perspective options) with their faculty advisors once the fellowship is completed. Exceptions can be made with the approval of the SJF Committee.




All Windsor Law students who are currently in their first or second year of study and who will continue their studies at Windsor Law in the coming academic year, are eligible to apply. Deadline: January 24, 2025 at 12PM.

S25 SJF Info Session

Eligible students can indicate their preference for placements:

  1. Law Commission of Ontario
  2. Justicia/Migrant Farmworkers Clinic
  3. Organization(s) of the student's choice, to be approved by the SJF Committee 

Applications to the SJF Program shall consist of the following:

  1. A one-page cover letter explaining your reasons for applying, your interest in the organization(s) selected, and how the program relates to your career goals. Highlight relevant work and volunteer experience, as well as applicable academic course work;
  2. Your resume, two pages maximum;
  3. The contact information for two references;
  4. Your undergraduate and Law School transcripts, unofficial transcripts will suffice.

If you are shortlisted for another existing fellowship:

  • You can write a new cover letter directly to the organization
  • Your application information will be forwarded to the organization
  • You will have an interview with the organizaton
  • The organization will select the best fit of student

If you are selected for an open fellowship:

  • The SJF Committee will approve your placement organization
  • You will connect with the organization
    • Some organizations will have their own application for a placement with them
    • For others, you will write a proposal letter and, if accepted, arrange the placement directly


LCO Student Scholar Fellowship Program

The Law Commission of Ontario (LCO) is Ontario’s leading law reform agency.  The LCO provides independent, balanced, and authoritative advice on complex and important legal policy issues.  Through this work, the LCO promotes access to justice, evidence-based legislation and legal policies, and public debate on important and topical law reform issues. 

The LCO’s current portfolio includes projects addressing AI in the Civil/Administrative Justice System, Criminal AI, Improving Protection Orders and Indigenous Environmental Rights.

Recent reports include Consumer Protection in the Digital Marketplace and Environmental Accountability.  The LCO recently completed projects on Environmental Accountability, the Last Stages of Life, and Defamation Law in the Internet Age

More information about the LCO and its projects is available at

Students working with the LCO will contribute to law reform and legal policy development on these and other projects.  Students will undertake legal and policy research and will participate in a broad range of consultations and LCO activities. 

Students applying to work with the LCO should have strong research skills, excellent writing skills and an interest in access to justice, public policy and law reform.  Ability to read, write and/or speak French is an asset.  Students will be able work remotely. 

The LCO is located in Osgoode Hall Law School, York University, in Toronto.   

Justicia/ Migrant Farmworkers Clinic

Do you want to help build community power? Start right here in your own backyard by enrolling in the Migrant Farmworker Legal Clinic. The Clinic is perfect for law students who want to problematize the role of the law particularly for precarious, racialized workers. The Clinic is also unique as it emphasizes the role of law in supporting community organizing with migrant farm workers.

The Migrant Farmworker Clinic is the first legal clinic for migrant farm workers in Canada and uses a "law and organising" framework.  It is an LFO-funded project founded by Justicia for Migrant Workers (J4MW) in collaboration with Windsor Law.  It is unique in offering a singular place for racialized migrant farm workers that will address their complex, intersectional legal needs while simultaneously building their structural power to challenge systemic oppressions 

Around 30,000-40,000 migrant agricultural workers from the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, and other Global South regions work in Ontario farms every year, with southwestern Ontario employing a majority of these workers. Migrant workers, as a racialized and marginalized group in precarious status, face numerous forms of exclusion and discrimination. The legal regime that affects them functions at the complex intersection of immigration law, international bilateral agreements, employment law, workers compensation law, human rights law, health law, food law, law and political economy of agriculture, among others. 

Projects arise depending on farmworker needs and students can expect involvement in a variety of ad-hoc work. Due to the unpredictable nature of this work, students must be comfortable and willing to work in sometimes chaotic and rapidly changing projects. It is expected that successful students in this course are responsive, flexible, and committed due to the nature of our work.

Debwewin Summer Program

Students are invited to consider a position in the Debwewin Summer Program. The duties of the two students chosen for this 10-16 week opportunity each summer will include research, consultation, working with community members, and conducting presentations, all within an Indigenous community framework. Select the link above for further details.

ADALAH-The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel

Adayalaam Centre for Policy Research - Sri Lanka (ACPR)

Aequitas: Prosecutors' Resource on Violence Against Women

African Canadian Legal Clinic

Association in Defence of the Wrongly Convicted

Barbara Schlifer Clinic

Botswana Network on Ethics, Law, and HIV/Aids

Canadian Civil Liberties Assoc CCLA

Center for Reproductive Rights

Centre for Child Law

Centre for Democracy & Development

Centre for HR and Adv. Legal Research

Centre for Policy Alternatives

Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland

Children's Org. of Southeast Asia

CLA - UN Development Programmes Justice System Programmes Justice System Programme


Community Justice Comm. & Mental Health & Social Services

Congolese Initiative for Justice & Peace

Cultural Centre for Ethnic Studies


Defence for Children International

Democratic Progress Institute

Diocese of London Refugee Ministry

Disaster Volunteers of Ghana

ECPAT/Canadian Lawyers Abroad

Eagle Canada


Environmental Law Centre

Equitas Int'l Center for HR Education

FORUM-ASIA (Human Rights)

Great Lakes Environmental Law Clinic

Hamilton Community Clinic

Helsinki Citizens' Assembly

HR Commission

HR Legal Support Centre

Human Rights Advocacy Centre

Human Rights Centre

Human Rights Law Network

Human Rights Legal Support Centre

ICT for Former Yugoslavia

Institute for Justice and Democracy in Haiti (IJDH)

Instituto de Defensa Legal

International Bureau for Children's Rights 

International Criminal Court

International Criminal Court for Rwanda

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda

International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

International Justice Mission

International Labour Organization

Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions

John Howard Society of Ontario

Journalists for Human Rights

Justice for Youth & Children

Knowledge of the Laws of the Land (KNOLL)

Lawyers Without Borders

Legal Resources Centre

Legal Resources Centre: Constitutional Litigation Unit

Malaika Project - HIV/Aids programs

Media Institute of Southern Africa

Miami-Dade County Public Defender

Minority rights Group International

National Council of Canadian Muslims

Nisa Homes


Ontario Justice Education Network

Organisation for Security & Co-operation in Europe

Our Children Africa, UNICEF


Pathways of Women's Empowerment-Ghana Hub: CEGENSA

Pivot Legal Society

Projects Abroad Human Rights Office

Ruth Ellis Center

Sancharika Samuha

Security & Cooperation in Europe

Sierra legal Defence Fund


The Arab Center for Human Rights in the Golan Heights

UN - Political Affairs Department

UN Int'l Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia

UN Office on Drugs & Crime

UN Research Institute for Social Development


West Coast Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF)

Women's Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF)

World Corps Kenya

World Health Organization

World Organisation Against Torture

World University Service of Canada

No credits.

SJF Student Manual

Weekly Submission of Hours

SJF Critical Reflection Instructions

Looking to the Bottom: Critical Legal Studies and Reparations

Library Resources (video)

Withdrawal Policy

A Letter to a Student Interested in Social Justice

Another Letter to a Student Interested in Social Justice

Mental Health and Wellness at Windsor Law

Summer 2025 Fellowship Requirements:

  1. It is expected that placements will last for no less than ten weeks between May 1 and August 31 and that fellows will be supervised, on site, in their legal or quasi-legal activities;
  2. Fellows will be required to submit, electronically, before 12 noon on Monday, September 22, 2025, an Experience Report upon the completion of their placement to their advising professor and to the Clinical and Experiential Learning Coordinator. In general, the Experience Report will be a reflection on the summer experience, including the Fellow’s evaluation of the host organization, a description of the work completed, any problems encountered, and suggestions for improving the experience in the future. These reports may be made available as a resource to future Social Justice Fellow applicants. Reports are expected to be 2-3 double-spaced pages in length;
  3. Fellows are expected to write a 3-5 (double-spaced) page critical reflection paper on your experiences in the Social Justice Fellowship Program, due before 12 noon on Monday, September 22, 2025, to both your advising professor and to the Clinical and Experiential Learning Coordinator. Below are a series of questions to help guide your reflections and shape your paper. You do not need to answer every question or address every subject heading. You should feel free to add to the questions or topics as you wish, and to do some research if it helps you process aspects of your experiences. But rather than structuring your paper as a series of answers to the listed questions below, organize your paper into a single narrative, that is logically organized around themes. This is, after all, an academic paper, which requires organization and critical analysis of the themes you are exploring. Students should write in the first person. Citations, where necessary, are to be in McGill Guide format. Rather than spending significant amounts of time describing an incident, students should focus on their responses, reactions, and reflections. A paper that is solely descriptive does not meet the goals of the exercise, because description alone does not offer reflection and analysis.


Guiding Questions:

Reflection on bias and learning

  • What did you hope to gain from the placement?

  • What beliefs, ideologies, or assumptions did you bring to the work of your SJF?

  • What were three of the most important lessons you learned over the placement?

  • What would you have liked to learn and didn’t? How would you plan your next placement or experiential learning opportunity to supplement this experience?

  • What are the strengths you brought to the placement that served you well?

  • How did what you learn in your placement impact what you want to do in the future?


Reflection on work and supervision

  • What type of work did you do? Were you good at? What aspects could you have done better?

  • What mistakes did you make? How did you own up to mistakes? How did you plan to improve next time?

  • What went well with in your relationship with your placement supervisor? What could have gone better? What could you have done to improve your relationship with your placement supervisor? What could you do to be a good supervisor for others in the future?

  • What did you see your placement supervisor do that you admired and would like to emulate? What did you see your supervisor do that you would not like to integrate into your practice?


Reflection on access to justice and structural inequality

  • Thinking back on the Access to Justice course, what readings, topics or discussions were relevant in the work context? What became “real” about access to justice in your particular practice context?

  • More generally, how, and to what extent, did your class-based learning so far link or relate to what you have seen in practice?

  • From a policy perspective, did you notice any gaps in the law that became obvious during your experience (or the experiences of your clients)? What did you learn from clients and communities about critically analyzing the law that supplemented what you already knew or learned?

  • What were your clients’ expectations of the law? How did they understand what the law was, should be, and/or the concept of justice? What were they seeking, and how did that compare with what you consider justice to mean?

  • Were there institutional structures that impacted clients’ and communities’ engagement with law in a positive or negative way(this could be courts, workplace policies, non-profit structures, etc.)? What large-scale or macro systems impacted clients’ experiences? In your view, how could these be improved?

  • What did you learn about the role of the lawyer through your experience? Were you treated a certain way because of your training? What did you learn about the operation of professional power?



For further information, please contact the Clinical and Experiential Program Coordinator at



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