Jeff Berryman, "Unintended Consequences: The New Test for Interlocutory Mandatory Injunctions" (2024) 89:3 Brooklyn L Rev 885, online: "Unintended Consequences: The New Test for Interlocutory Mandatory Inju" by Jeff Berryman (

Jeff Berryman, "Unintended Consequences: The New Test for Interlocutory Mandatory Injunctions" (2024) 89:3 Brooklyn L Rev 885, online:
Interlocutory mandatory injunctions can be an important remedy during the pendency of a trial. With its decision in R. v. Canadian Broadcasting Corp, the Supreme Court of Canada revised its test for an interlocutory mandatory injunction, holding that it should require a higher threshold and be therefore harder to obtain than an interlocutory prohibitive injunction. This higher threshold requires that the applicant demonstrate a strong prima facie case that it will succeed at trial based on law and evidence. This change adds uncertainty to the process, ultimately complicating and adding costs to litigation.