Tess Sheldon and Laura Johnston, “Is Mental Health Law a Thing? Why Law Schools Should Invest in Teaching Mental Health Law” (2024)

Tess Sheldon and Laura Johnston, “Is Mental Health Law a Thing? Why Law Schools Should Invest in Teaching Mental Health Law” (2024) 44 Windsor Rev Legal Soc Issues 1, online: https://www.canlii.org/en/commentary/doc/2024CanLIIDocs140


“On April 30, 2022, 18 students from diverse law faculties across Canada— along with their friends, family, professors, and supporters—gathered online for the workshop “Confronting Sanism: From Legal Education to Legal Action”. The workshop was organized by lawyers and law professors who work and teach in the area generally called Mental Health Law, including the authors—Laura Johnston (Health Justice), Tess Sheldon (University of Windsor, Faculty of Law) Ruby Dhand (Thompson Rivers University, Faculty of Law), Alex Procope (PBP Lawyers), Kelley Bryan (PBP Lawyers).  The workshop intended to offer law students across Canada who had written a relevant course paper the opportunity to present their work and receive feedback from faculty, legal professionals, and peers. Following the workshop, students were offered an opportunity to have their papers considered for publication. The workshop aimed to promote mental health legal scholarship, disability justice and practice by supporting current and recent law students to further develop their course papers and expertise in Mental Health Law. …This special edition results from the students’ excellent work that day and in the months leading up to and following it. It celebrates their incredible though, discussion and leadership among law students learning about and engaging with Mental Health Law.”