Join us for the Indigenous Scholars Lecture Series with guest speaker Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark, Associate Professor of Indigenous Governance at the University of Victoria, to discuss Indigenous law and the challenges of accessing justice. This event is hosted by the Indigenous Legal Orders Institute at Windsor Law.
About the Speaker:
Heidi Kiiwetinepinesiik Stark (Turtle Mountain Ojibwe) is an Associate Professor of Indigenous Governance at the University of Victoria. She is the Director of the Centre for Indigenous Research and Community-led Engagement (CIRCLE) and the Director of the Graduate Certificate in Indigenous Nationhood. Her research interests include Indigenous law and treaty practices, Aboriginal and Treaty rights and Indigenous politics in the United States and Canada.
Location: Online (Blackboard Collaborate)
*Link to join sent to attendees via registration confirmation email. Questions? Please contact Michelle Nahdee.