After its launch in 2019, the Third World Approaches to International Law Review (TWAILR) has released its first issue — now available online. Created as a space for critical scholarship, this peer-reviewed journal is the first academic journal devoted to the subject.
Professor Sujith Xavier is one of the founding members of the editorial collective, and remains on the editorial board with assistance from second-year law student Maryama Elmi.
“The journal attends to Windsor Law’s thematic mandates of access to justice and transnational law,” he says. “Access to cutting-edge international and transnational scholarship worldwide is made available through our website — to anyone, anytime.”
The journal is funded by the Transnational Law and Justice Network at Windsor Law, Windsor Law’s Office of the Dean, and the Faculty of Law at Maynooth University. Law student support was made possible through the COVID-19 Expanded Research Assistant Program, funded by the Office of the Associate Dean (Research & Graduate Studies) at Windsor Law.