Windsor Law is proud to host the 2016 International Client Consultation Competition.
Canada was one of the original founding members of the International Client Consultation Competition (initially called the International Client Counseling Competition) in 1985, and has competed in the International Competition since that time.
The Louis M. Brown/Forrest S. Mosten International Client Consultation Competition is the outcome of a pioneering initiative in the 1960’s by Los Angeles lawyer Louis M. Brown to address the failure of traditional legal education to include the essential skills of interviewing and counseling.
The International Competition was named after Louis M Brown in 1993 in recognition of the inspiration he provided as the originator of the competition. In 2010, the name was changed to acknowledge the immense contribution of Californian lawyer Forrest S. Mosten, who has been the president of the competition for over 25 years.
Each participating country sends one team, usually the winner of its national competition. Twenty-one teams competed in the 2014 competition in San Juan, Puerto Rico. The diversity and richness of the gathering is reflected in the competing countries: Australia, Canada, Cambodia, England and Wales, Finland, Georgia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Irish Republic, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Puerto Rico, Russia, Scotland, Switzerland, Turkey and United States.
The winners’ names are inscribed on the plaque awarded as the competition trophy. The winners also receive prizes donated by the International Bar Association.
For more information about the Brown-Mosten International Client Consultation Competition, including a list of past winners, visit:
The subject of the 2016 ICCC is Matrimonial Issues. Click here to see the full schedule.