The NSRLP website recorded 27,000 views from 91 countries in 2014.
The busiest day of the year with the most hits on the website (almost 800) was September 22, 2014, shortly after the release of the Open Letter to the Canadian Judiciary – this was also the most read blog of the year. The same week also saw significant spikes in the NSRLP Twitter and Facebook activity, with many new followers/members, and an avalanche of emails were received from members of the public. The Open Letter seemed to resonate with many ordinary Canadians who have experienced difficulties speaking for themselves in court and would appreciate more understanding of their plight. To date there has been no response from the Canadian Judicial Council, to whom the letter was sent, despite a number of follow-ups.
The year ended on a positive note with the publication of a paper written by five judges from across Canada entitled “Working with SRLs: Tips and Suggestions from the Bench.” You can read it here.
The letter is being incorporated into judicial training at the National Judicial Institute, and widely disseminated among judges in many provinces.
Read the NSRLP blog post here.