Career Services Office - Meet the Team


Headshot of Anna Decia-Gualtieri



Anna Maria Decia-Gualtieri

Director of Career Services

Room 1605 Student Services Wing

(519)253-3000 ext. 2986

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Headshot of Katie Behan


Kathleen Behan, J.D., B.A.

Social Justice Career Coordinator

Room 1607 Student Services Wing

519-253-3000 Ext. 2928

Pronouns: she/her/hers


Headshot of Gayle Jones


Gayle Jones

Career Advisor (Acting)

Room 1611 Student Services Wing

(519) 253-3000 ext. 3989

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Headshot of Jessica Hicks


Jessica Hicks BA (Hons), J.D.

Assistant to Career Services

Room 1600 Student Services Wing

(519) 253-3000 ext. 2903

Pronouns: she/her/hers