What is your Favourite sports team? The Leafs
What is your most embarrassing moment? l always pushing pull doors and vice versa regardless of how many times I have used that door
What was your previous high school? Port Perry High School
Where is your hometown? Port Perry
What made you choose Human Kinetics? Good background for the grad program I want to achieve and UWindsor has an amazing reputation and human kinetics program.
Give a tip that helped you succeed through your first year of Human Kinetics? Staying organized. I never used a day planner before university, but I would be lost without it now. Going through the beginning of the semester with all my syllabi and marking important due dates or exams and then back tracking a week (or more depending on the nature of the task) and marking when I will start doing the work. This is also really good for planning when you might not be able to work (say the night before an 830 exam) so you can book off the days way ahead of time, so you’re not scrambling to find someone to take your shift the week of.