Dr. Michael Khan
Email: makhan@uwindsor.ca
Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext: 5106
Office: H.K. Building, Room 105
BSc. (Geophysics) McGill University
MA (Kinesiology), Western University
Ph.D. (Human Kinetics), University of British Columbia
Currently accepting MHK and PhD Students.
Dr. Michael Khan is currently Dean of Human Kinetics at the University of Windsor and a Professor of Motor Control and Learning. Prior to taking up his position at the University of Windsor in September 2011, Dr. Khan was Head of the School of Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences at Bangor University, Wales, U.K.
Dr. Khan’s research is focused on the investigation of cognitive processes underlying movement control and learning. A particular focus of his research has been the control of target-directed aiming movements and the relationship between movement speed and accuracy. He has published extensively on factors affecting reaction time, the role of visual feedback in skill acquisition, rapid decision making, selective attention and dual-task performance. Dr. Khan also has a keen interest in talent identification and the development of expertise in sport. As a former elite level squash player and with over 25 years of coaching experience, he is able to bring together his theoretical expertise in applying reaction time and skill acquisition principles to sport. Dr. Khan remains a “die hard” West Indian Cricket fan who still lives in the glory days with the hope that the Windies will rise again.
Areas of Research Interest
- The visual control of aiming movements
- Multiple target sequential aiming movements
- Selective attention and rapid decision making
- Skill acquisition
Key Scholarly Activities
Buckolz, E., Stoddart, A., Cameron, E., Khan, M.A. (2014). The error protection impact of inhibitory after-effects in a location-based task and its preservation with practice. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, in press
Lawrence, G.P., Cassell, V.E., Beattie, S., Woodman, T., Khan, M.A., Hardy, L., Gottwald, V.M. (2013). Practice with anxiety improves performance, but only when anxious: Evidence for the specificity of practice hypothesis. Psychological Research, (online first). (DOI:10.1007/s00426-013-0521-9).
Khan, M.A., Sarteep, S., Mottram, T.M., Adam, J.J. (2011). The dual role of vision in sequential aiming movements, Acta Psychologica, 136 (3): 425-431.
Fitzgeorge, L., Buckolz, E., & Khan, M. (2011). Recently inhibited responses are avoided for both masked and non-masked primes in a spatial negative priming task. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 73, 1435-1452.
Elliott, D., & Khan, M.A. (editors) (2010). Vision and Goal-Directed Movement: Neurobehavioral Perspectives. Human Kinetics Publishers.
Khan, M.A., Mottram, T.M., Adam, J.J., & Buckolz, E. (2010). Sequential aiming movements with two limbs and the one target advantage. Journal of Motor Behavior, 42, 325-330.
Khan, M.A., Mourton, S., Buckolz, E., Adam, J.J., & Hayes, A.E., (2010). Response grouping and free choice selection, Acta Psychologica, 134, 175-181.
Khan, M.A., Tremblay, L., Cheung, D.T., Luis, M., & Mourton, S.T. (2008). The preparation of reversal movements as a single unit of action. Experimental Brain Research, 187, 33-40.
Khan, M.A., Franks, I.M., Elliott, D., Lawrence, G.P., Chua, R., Bernier, P.M., Hansen, S. & Weeks, D. (2006). Inferring online and offline processing of visual feedback in target-directed movements from kinematic data. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 30, 1106-1121.