Final oral defense: Duy‐Khang Dang (M.A.Sc.) "Numerical studies on liquid water transport in PEMFC cathode with biomimetic flow field designs"
Final oral defense: Dara Vosoughi (M.A.) "The Continued Prohibition of Cannabis & Incidental Racism at Canada’s Borders"
Final oral defense: John Magliaro (Ph.D.) "Development of superior energy absorbing devices with adaptive capabilities utilizing hybrid cutting/clamping deformation modes"
Final oral defense: Bonaventure Chidube Molokwu (Ph.D.) "Social Network Analysis: A Machine Learning Approach"
Final oral defense: Guochen Zhang (M.A.Sc.) "Hydrogen production via dark fermentation utilizing glycerol"
Final oral defense: Fallon R. Mitchell (M.H.K.) "Allowing the experiences of older adults to be heard: Interpreting senior centre accessibility"
Final oral defense: Priyanka Anilkumar Motwani (M.Sc.) "Discovering High Profit Product Feature Groups by mining High Utility Sequential Patterns from Feature-Based Opinions"
Final oral defense: Nicole Moussallem (M.Ed.) "French as a Second Language Teaching: Identifying methods that improve adult learners’ competencies"