Final oral defense: Manan Patel (M.Sc.)
"Demilitarized Zone: An Exceptional Layer of Network Security to Mitigate DDoS Attack"
"Demilitarized Zone: An Exceptional Layer of Network Security to Mitigate DDoS Attack"
"An SOA-Based Framework of Computational Offloading for Mobile Cloud Computing"
"Emergency Evacuation Software Model for Simulation of Physical Changes"
"Performance Evaluation of Pathfinding Algorithms"
"A Comparative Study of Document Representation Methods"
"A Proof of a Hall‐littlewood Polynomial Formula"
"Robot Path Planning with IGA-MMAS and MMASIGA"
"Attributed Graph Classification via Deep Graph Convolutional Neural Networks"
"Privacy-Preserving Statistical Analysis of Health Data Using Paillier Homomorphic Encryption and Permissioned Blockchain"