AFM/Raman User Fees and Booking

Booking Time on the AFM/Raman:

Users should contact the technician, Sharon Lackie, by e-mail to book time on the AFM/Raman.  Users can view the AFM/Raman Booking Schedule to see what times are available, but cannot book time using the calendar.  Contact the technician by e-mail to book time

Contact Sharon Lackie

Fees for use of the WiTec Raman/AFM System are charged per hour (or part thereof) of use.

Internal Academic Hourly Rates (persons within the University of Windsor Community)

Training Fee:  $95/hour
Trained Internal Academic User:  $25.00/hour
Untrained Internal Academic User (with technician):  $35/hour

External Academic Hourly Rates (persons outside the University of Windsor Community)

Training Fee:  $95/hr
Trained External Academic User: $35/hour
Untrained External Academic User (with technician):  $45/hour

Industrial User Hourly Rates

Trained Industrial User:  $85/hour
Untrained Industrial User:  $95/hour