Dr. Mike McKay, Director of GLIER is co-leading a $15 million research project to boost Canada’s pandemic preparedness

Along with a researcher at University of Guelph, Dr. Mike McKay, Director of GLIER, is leading a collaborative network of 43 researchers from seven universities and public and private agencies in Canada and the U.S. The INSPIRE (Integrated Network for the Surveillance of Pathogens: Increasing Resilience and Capacity in Canada’s Pandemic Response) Network aims to improve our ability to respond to future pandemics, and improve efficiencies in supply chains and cross-border tranportation of essential goods during such a time. 

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Professors Arezoo Emadi, Mike McKay, Kendall Soucie, and Kenneth Ng are pictured along the Windsor-Detroit riverfront, showcasing the interdisciplinary team leading the $15 million INSPIRE project to advance Canada’s biomanufacturing and pandemic response capabilities.