Aerial view of the main university campus

Budget Approach 2024-25

The University of Windsor has achieved a balanced budget for 2024/2025, despite significant challenges in the higher education sector. This was attained through the prudent use of one-time funding from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and an immense, collaborative effort to realize efficiencies.

While the budget is balanced, a $2.8 million base deficit remains, prompting a multi-year strategy to address it through a 1.5 percent base budget reduction, efficiency improvements, responsible spending, and cost-cutting measures.

This strategy ensures readiness for future uncertainties and underscores the University’s commitment to financial stability amid external factors such as government policy changes and decisions, demographics, fundraising, enrolment fluctuations, and competitive pressures.

Maintaining financial sustainability is crucial to fulfilling our academic mission, serving our communities, and achieving our strategic goals in a dynamic landscape.