Fees and Charges


Fees are comprised of tuition and ancillary fees represent your contribution toward the costs of services and resources that support the completion of your studies. Fees may vary due to the courses you enrolled in, academic programs and other factors.

Service Fees

Effective May 1, 2022: The following fees will be charged to the student account where applicable:

  • $10 for expired email money transfer refunds (EMMT) & TouchNet GlobalPay (PADs) Payments
  • $25 for wire charges, $50 for expedited wire charges (by request)
  • $25 NSF returned cheque charges
  • $15 for historic Tax documentation and Invoices requested in US dollars (by request)

Tuition and Student Ancillary Fees

Tuition fees are the cost associated with academic program delivery costs, financing instructional and general operating costs of the university. The UWindsor Tuition Fee Estimator shows approved fees for the current academic year. At any time, however, you can find your account balance, including what you owe, charges, deposits and anticipated aid in UWinsite Student under the Financial Account tile.

For more information on our tuition model and fee structure, please watch this video series:

The UWindsor Funding Module
International and Domestic Students
Managing Education Costs
Tuition & Ancillary Fees

Ancillary fees are mandatory regardless of delivery mode. Student ancillary fees are charged to support services and facilities that are distinct from academic programmings, such as support services, athletics, unions and more. For a list of all Student Ancillary fees, click the following Ancillary Fees button.

Tuition Fee Estimator

Student Ancillary Fees


Costs of Textbooks and Other Learning Materials

It is important to plan for the costs associated with your education including costs of textbooks and other learning materials. Although costs will vary depending on degree program and individual course needs, students may want to budget at least $1,000 per year for the costs of textbooks and other learning materials. In some cases, students may consider alternatives to purchasing course textbooks like exploring free library services, renting textbooks, purchasing e-books or used books to help reduce costs. This cost estimate does not include personal computer equipment, accessories, or software. Students are encouraged to consult their syllabus for the exact costs of mandatory and optional textbooks and other learning materials for each course.


All deposits are non-refundable and forfeited. Programs that require tuition deposits:

Program Deposit Amount
Law $500.00
MSW $500.00
MBA $500.00
International Undergraduate $2,000.00
International Course Based Graduate $4,000.00
All other International $2,000.00
Domestic Master of Engineering $500.00
Domestic Master of Applied Economics and Policy $500.00
Domestic Master of Management $4,000.00
Domestic Master of Medical Biotechnology $4,000.00
Residence Deposit $475.00

International Course - Based Graduate Deposit Information

For programs that require submission of a $4,000.00 deposit, it is required within 21 days of your date of admission to secure your place in your program.

The deposit is non-refundable and applied to your program fees. If your Student Visa is denied, applicants are required to email cashiers@uwindsor.ca of the visa status prior to program start date to ensure enrolment is canceled or deferred. Students must provide timely and adequate proof of denied student visa, not older than 6 months, to be considered for a deposit refund to the originating payment provider. Incomplete visa applications are not eligible as a visa denial. Please note, there is a $250 administration fee for processing tuition deposit refunds upon receipt of study permit rejection documentation.

Payment receipts are automatically generated to the student’s name, sent by email to the registered email address, once a payment is received and reflected on the student account.

Learn More about fee payment options at www.uwindsor.ca/finance/student-accounts.

International Undergraduate Programs Deposit Information

Submission of a $2,000.00 deposit is required to secure your place in your program by the deposited deadline outlined on your letter of admission.

The deposit is non-refundable and applied to your program fees. If your Student Visa is denied, applicants are required to email cashiers@uwindsor.ca of the visa status prior to program start date to ensure enrolment is canceled or deferred. Students must provide timely and adequate proof of denied student visa, not older than 6 months, to be considered for a deposit refund to the originating payment provider. Incomplete visa applications are not eligible as a visa denial. Please note, there is a $250 administration fee for processing tuition deposit refunds upon receipt of study permit rejection documentation.

Payment receipts are automatically generated to the student’s name, sent by email to the registered email address, once a payment is received and reflected on the student account.

Learn More about fee payment options at www.uwindsor.ca/finance/student-accounts.

Opt Out

All fees charged to your account are mandatory and to be paid within the prescribed deadlines or you may be assessed late fees and interest.

You may opt-out of the drug and dental plan and U-Pass if you qualify. If you have alternate coverage, you can opt out through UWSA, OPUS, or GSS. The University works with the Student Society and insurance carriers to verify coverage and if accepted

  • For Full-time students the University of Windsor Student Alliance (UWSA):
    Health and Dental opt-out
    The opt-out application will be open September 1 - 30th, 2024. To opt-out please go to StudentVIP.ca. You will need to upload proof of additional coverage when opting out. This opt-out can only be done online through the Student VIP website. Once you have completed an opt-out you cannot opt back in for any reason. The money will be refunded by direct deposit or E-transfer to your bank account. For more information, please see our website, www.uwsa.ca.

    Bus Pass Opt-Out
    The opt-out period for the U-Pass will be open September 1 - 30th, 2024. Opting out will be done online only at https://www.uwsa.ca/universal-bus-pass
    Students will be required to upload proof that they meet the eligibility criteria for opting out. Late applications will not be accepted and students who miss this deadline will forfeit the right to a refund.

    Contact us at uwsa@uwindsor.ca or by phone at (519) 971-3600.

  • For Part-time students the Organization of Part time University Students (OPUS) link: Benefits Plan | Organization of Part-time University Students (uwindsor.ca)
    The Fall 2024 opt-out period will be available from August 1 - October 4, 2024.
    The Winter 2025 opt-out period will be available from January 1 - February 5, 2025.
  • For Graduate students, the Graduate Student Society (GSS) link: Supplemental Benefits Plan - UWindsor GSS
    The Fall 2024 opt-out period will be available from September 1 - October 4, 2024.
    The Winter 2025 opt-out period will be announced shortly.

Drug and dental opt out is available each term before the final financial drop dates.


All undergrad and full-time grad students will be charged the U-Pass fee (including the $5 administrative fee) for Fall 2024 semester for the year pass. For more information, please visit the UWSA Bus Pass page.
If you are a Graduate student, please visit the Graduate Student Bus Pass for more information.

Full-time / Part-time Enrolment

Tuition fees include only registered classes, classes on waitlist or in your ‘shopping cart’ are not charged until registration is confirmed. 

If you are enrolled in a minimum of 4 courses, you will be deemed full-time and charged accordingly. The cost of each additional course is one incidental fee and the student centre operating fee. You are required to pay full-time University of Windsor Student Alliance (UWSA) fees. For more information see link: https://uwsa.ca/

You are considered a part-time student if you take a maximum of three (3) courses at a time. You are required to pay part-time Organization of Part time University Students (OPUS) fees. For more information: http://www.uwindsor.ca/opus/

If you are a graduate student you are required to pay Graduate Student Society (GSS) fees. For more information: https://uwindsorgss.ca/

Co-op Students

Once admitted to the co-op program, students are responsible for paying all co-op fees according to the schedule prescribed for their program. The co-op fee is set by the University and may increase each year. Co-op fees are non-refundable. Fees will be assessed for multiple consecutive semesters, including summer, fall, and winter seasons. Co-op fees are due the same day as tuition for that term.

U.S. Neighbour Rate

We offer Americans a significant tuition fee discount for Undergraduate programs compared to international rates. To qualify, you must: be registered part time or full time in an undergraduate program, be a U.S. citizen, provide a valid study permit to the International Student Centre at the beginning of your first semester and offer renewed permits when granted. Incidental fees, residence and meal plan charged are not included and are charged in Canadian dollars.

Starting in Spring 2021, we are offering a Graduate Student Neighbour tuition rate. This rate will be available to all qualifying students. The rate is based on comparable in-state tuition rates in Michigan, translated into Canadian dollars. This is a significant discount from our current international student VISA tuition rates. This rate is outside of the tuition guarantee and is subject to price changes annually. For more information and to view the programs that qualify for this new Graduate Student Neighbour tuition rate, please click here.

See the Tuition Fee Estimator for current rates: https://www.uwindsor.ca/finance/fee-estimator.

Out of Province Tuition Appeal

Students who have been identified as Domestic – Outside of Ontario province students for the purpose of tuition fee assessment, but feel that they should be eligible for the Domestic – Ontario tuition fee rates, can submit this form to have their eligibility reviewed. Only Ontario residents are exempt from Out of Province tuition fees. To be a resident of Ontario, a student is required to live in Ontario for a 12-month consecutive period without attending post-secondary students (college or university). Residency can also be based on a parent’s or spouse’s residential history where the parent/spouse did not attend college or university. 

The completed Out of Province Tuition Appeal Form can be sent to the following finappeal@uwindsor.ca.  

Applications for appeals for Out of Province fees must be received by the following dates:

  • Fall Term: October 31
  • Winter Term: February 1
  • Summer Term: June 30

For more information on Out of Province tuition, please see the below articles:

ask.UWindsor - What is Out of Province Tuition?
ask.UWindsor - What does my Fee Category mean?
ask.UWindsor - What if my Fee Category is Wrong?
ask.UWindsor - Am I Considered an Ontario Resident?

Include your 9-digit student number. Current students use your uwindsor.ca email for correspondence.

Auditing Courses

A student who audits a course(s) is one who attends a course(s), but, does not receive credit for the course(s) towards their degree.  Such a student will not be eligible to write examinations and may not be graded but, will be required to pay the stated fee(s) for the course(s).  Contact us if you have questions about fees, payments, or financial policies.

UWindsor Tuition Guarantee

Brand new tuition guarantee for international students. This new and unique program was recently introduced and University of Windsor is one of the few institutions in Canada to provide this option to students.

Tuition will be guaranteed through the duration of your selected program. The international student base tuition rate allows you to have assurances that the base rate to begin your program remains the same rate to the end of your program. The rate may change if you change programs, but your cohort base year will remain the same.

Your tuition rate will be guaranteed for the duration of your program. We are allowing for 15 consecutive terms to complete your program. This more than covers the timeline required for most students to complete their degree.

If you are entering a cohort based Master's program that is typically 4 terms in length, we will allow for the 5th term to be locked in and will be charged at a per course rate.

All other master students will be provided with 9 terms to complete your program and if you move on to your PhD you will be provided an additional 9 terms, giving you 18 terms in total.

Base tuition is the only fee being covered by the guarantee. Other fees can and often do change on an annual basis.

Please see our presentation for more details here.

You can also go to ask.UWindsor for more information.


Contact Information

Student Accounts Office
University of Windsor
Chrysler Hall North, 1st Floor
401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor, Ontario, Canada, N9B 3P4

Service Hours
Telephone Hours:

Monday 10am - 12pm
Tuesday 10am - 12pm & 2pm - 4pm
Wednesday 10am - 12pm & 2pm - 4pm
Thursday 10am - 12pm & 2pm - 4pm
Friday 2pm - 4pm

In Person Hours:

Monday 1pm - 4pm
Tuesday 1pm - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 12pm & 1pm - 4pm
Friday 1pm - 4pm

Phone: 519-253-3000 ext. 3307
Email: cashiers@uwindsor.ca
Include your 9-digit student number.
Current students use your uwindsor.ca email for correspondence.

To join the queue for the Student Accounts office, please scan this QR Code or click if using a mobile device: