University of Windsor name

Campus Resources

An interactive campus map is available for you to easily find locations on the Main Campus or Downtown Campus or you can print a Main Campus map or a map of SoCA classrooms.

Student Support Services are available to students on campus.

See Wellness Resources

Student Health, Counselling and Wellness Services is your one-stop shop to address your wellness needs at UWindsor. We assist students in understanding, developing, and fulfilling their own potential so that they can get the most out of their university experience while also managing the obstacles and challenges that come with it.

Our office provides medical services, counselling options, wellness programming and resources to support you in your university journey.

SoCA Rooms- Book a studio space or classroom here

Wellness, Health Services, and Student Counselling Services  

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (“FAHSS”) support initiatives 

FAHSS app 

Career Development and Experiential Learning 

Student Awards and Financial Aid 

UWinAward Search 

International Student Centre 

Bystander Initiative 

Aboriginal Education Centre