Monday, November 5, 2018
Communication, Media & Film
Communication, Media & Film
Nadia Caruso *
Kelsey Fischer
Peter Marval *
Courtney McAlorum
Samantha Penny
School of Creative Arts
Sebastian Bachmeier *
Henry Breitkopf
Austin Di Pietro
Matthew Lepain *
Rowine Kobti
Lillian Korkontzelos
Honours Music Education/Concurrent/BEd
Madeline Doornaert
Alexandra Meloche *
Music & French
Mariah Claire Zimmerman
BFA Fine Arts
Angela Hoang
Visual Arts & Communication, Media and Film
Ashley Kerr
Paul Napigkit
Visual Arts & the Built Environment (VABE)
Nathalie Begin
Amanda Gatto
Rachel Getliffe
Mona Makki
Jordan Zanier
School of Dramatic Art
BFA Acting
Sofia Jarvis
Jonathan Lombard
Anna Grace Howard
Drama in Education & Community
Emma Robert *
Drama & English Literature and Creative Writing
Nathanya Barnett
English Language, Literature & Creative Writing

Siri Gauthier *
Kristeen Rodregus *
Tamara Vujic
Liam Washington
English & Creative Writing
Marisa Bordonaro *
Chloe Burrows
Emilie Kupper
Gillian Mayo *
Rawand Mustafa *
William Schuller
Andrew Whitmarsh
English & History
Nicole Pillon *
English & French
Lisa Boyer
Shannon Pearce *
Rebekah Voegeli
Devon Gale
Jillian Parker
History & Political Science
Paisley Bartlam
Stefan Neskovic *
History & Modern Languages—German Option
Lily Zitko *
Languages, Literatures & Cultures
Concurrent BA French/BEd
Joshua Batchelor
Michela Tosti *
French Studies
Lara Belton
Angelika Guenther Correa
David Matenda Komono
Robert Lahoud
Kristie Lanoue
French & Modern Languages—Spanish Option
Lawrence Beneteau
Modern Languages / Italian & Spanish
Edward King *
Modern Languages with Year Abroad/German Option
Kennedy Wonnacott *
Modern Languages / German & Italian Option
Margareta Durlanescu
Political Science
International Relations & Developmental Studies
Alyssa Haskell *
Jaclyn Howell
Nicholas Tuff
Political Science
Nermin Basic
Lesleigh Cameron
Justin Grainger
Andrew Hunt *
Jesse Matton-Pelloni
Tejas Pandya *
Political Science, Economics
Eliu Austin Mejia
Political Science, Bilingual Specialization
Amanda Skocic
Law & Politics
Katrina Bahnam *
Pelle Berends
Cameron Bortolon
Linda Coltman *
Katrina Hermle *
Victoria Mahon
Ian Manser *
Tartil Shaheen *
John-Paul Semaan
Concurrent BA Psychology/Bed/ECE
Christina Chick
Developmental Psychology
Leticia Arbex
Karen Chung
Developmental Psychology with Thesis
Peter Hutchinson
Developmental Psychology & Criminology
Rylee Magas *
Riley Dufour *
Hayley Girardin
John Mcintyre *
Alexandra Mihai
Arianna Pitre
Shannon Price
Emily Roy
Psychology with Thesis
Tabarak Baher
Piewen Cao
Jillian Cramer
Lauren Desjardins *
Anca Enache
Alana Gyemi
Giselle Helou
Rachel Katzman
Elina Nguyen
Katherine Matchett
Abigail McDermott
Victoria Pedri
Jenessa Shaw *
Christina Sirianni
Chelsea Reaume
Psychology with Thesis & Math
Nataliya Bovey
Psychology with Thesis & Criminology
Jewels Adair
Psychology & Creative Writing
Julia Belton
School of Social Work
Pre Social Work
Cassandra Armstrong
Erica Bassakos
Ryan Campbell
Rhea Eady
Sara Ghannam
Jana Khanafer
Miranda Pecoraro
Mary Shaw
Pre Social-Work & Women and Gender Studies
Hailey Liddle
Honours Social Work
Alexis Erickson
Jesse McGinnis
Alexis Piccolo
Peter Dyck
Alexis Erickson
Julie Pharand
Kathryn Pfaff
Miranda Sheftel
Tolulola Taiwo
Honours Social Work for Ontario CYC Graduates
Bianca Bergamin
Honours Social Work/Disability Studies
Carolyn Elias
Kolby Phillips
Cooper Sabo
Social Work/Women’s Studies
Larissa Cannon
Disability Studies & Psychology
Jamie Laframboise
Sociology, Anthropology & Criminology
Crystal Cramer
Julianna Schiller
Sydney Turnbull
Eben Vankoughnett
Safa Abdelaziz Ahmed
Kate-Lynn Chauvin
Sociology and Women and Gender Studies
Sydney Chapados
Concurrent BA Family and Social Relations/Bed/ECE
Erin Gabriel
FAHSS Interfaculty Programs
Arts Non-Degree
Helen Bratzel
Brian Masse
Amanda Phillips
Jeffrey Renaud
Arts & Science
Katja Bekcic
Matthew Broser
Aleena Malik
Christopher Raad
Maria Secara
French and Biochemistry
Jelena Djukic
Biochemistry and Psychology/Political Science
McKaylla Buchanan
Biology with Thesis and Psychology
Yasin Avci
Biology with Thesis & Greek & Roman Studies
Isabelle Hinch
Combined Biochemistry and French
Jonathan Nari
Combined Biochemistry with Thesis & English
Alexa Dicecco
Combined Biochemistry with Thesis & Psychology
Natalie Lewoc
Biology & Psychology
Ivan Ruvinov
* Indicates students who attended the dinner and are in the photos