Every department has Academic Advisors ready to help you

Academic Advisors by Program

Below is the contact information for academic advisors by Academic Program within Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences.

Not sure which courses you should register for next semester? Looking for advice on which courses to take to satisfy your degree program? Want to discuss your options with someone knowledgeable about your program? Every department within FAHSS has an Academic Advisor who is here to help you make the most of your university experience!
This page is intended to be a resource for students, faculty, and staff within FAHSS. Academic Advisors are listed by department/area.
Are you an incoming First-Year Student?  We've prepared a series of videos to make sure you are on the right path! Check videos for each one of our programs and many more to support your registration process. [weblink]  First Year Course Selections Videos Select "FAHSS" and all our program video links will be listed. 
Looking for Options?  Check out [link] FAHSS Interdisciplinary Programs 

Academic Advising 2024 / 2025

Please contact:

Natalie Atkin, Ph.D.  Email   natkin@uwindsor.ca

Coordinator of First-Year Access Programs Discovery (for Undeclared Students), Gateway (for incoming first-year students), and Fresh Start (for students on Academic Probation).
Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences/History

Commercial Aviation Leadership students please contact Mr. TJ Bradd for academic advising.

Mr. TJ Bradd
Program Manager
Commercial Aviation Leadership Program

Email: tjbradd@uwindsor.ca

Tthe Undergraduate Academic Advisor in CMF is Dr. Kyle Asquith.

Email:   kasquith@uwindsor.ca

Please contact the CMF office for Dr. Asquith's availability cmf@uwindsor.ca
or call 519-253-3000 ext. 2897

For more information visit CMF's degree & course planning webpage:  www.uwindsor.ca/communication-media-film/393/degree-course-planning


To learn who is available for academic advising for Visual Arts, Music, Film and VABE students, please visit:

Academic Advising, all SoCA programs: [weblink] www.uwindsor.ca/soca/221/soca-academic-advising

SoCA Academic Advising webpage lists both undergrad and grad coordinators; and specific academic advisors for each program.




The School of Dramatic maintains an Academic Advising and Counselling webpage for their students. Please visit the webpage [link] Academic Advising & Counseling on the Drama website.
Or, email drama@uwindsor.ca for information.




Undergraduate Chair/Academic Advisor 

Dr. Nicole Markotic
Email:  markotic@uwindsor.ca

Graduate Advisor

Please contact Dr. Mark Johnston
Email: johnston@uwindsor.ca

Visit www.uwindsor.ca/english/351/course-planning  for more information.



Academic advising for History students during the 2024/25 academic year:

Undergraduate Advising:

Dr. Gregg French
Email: gregg.french@uwindsor.ca

Graduate Advising:

Dr. Guillaume Teasdale
Email:  gteasdal@uwindsor.ca


For academic advising during the 2024/25 academic year. Please contact:

Dr. Michelle MacArthur
Email:  michelle.macarthur@uwindsor.ca


Acadamic Advising for IaCS students. Please contact:

Brandi Lucier
Email:  lucierbl@uwindsor.ca

Disability Studies students contact:
James Hebblethwaite in Psychology
Email:  james.hebblethwaite@uwindsor.ca





Languages, Literatures and Cultures academic advisors include:

Modern Languages: Antonio Rossini arossini@uwindsor.ca and Giuliana Salvato gsalvato@uwindsor.ca

French Studies & French Concurrent: Jeremy Worth jworth@uwindsor.ca

Greek & Roman Studies:  Robert Weir rweir@uwindsor.ca

To learn which faculty members are available for academic advising, please contact:

Ms. Carolin Lekic
Departmental Administrative Assistant
Office 2153 Chrysler Hall North
Phone (519) 253-3000 ext. 2873


Ms. Diana Wu
Departmental Administrative Assistant
Office 2151 Chrysler Hall North
Phone (519) 253-3000 ext. 2888



Academic Advising:

Liberal and Professional Studies (General, Honours, Degree Completion)

Prof. Brandi Lucier:

Prof. Brandi Lucier's professor profile page

Phone:  (519) 253-3000 ext. 2357

Email:  lucierbl@uwindsor.ca

Make an appointment via Microsoft Bookings



Academic Advisers during the 2024 - 2025 Academic Year:


Dr. Jeff Noonan
Email:  jnoonan@uwindsor.ca

Argumentation Studies Advising:

Dr. Marcello Guarini
Email:  mguarini@uwindsor.ca


Undergraduate Chair/Advisor 

Dr. Elena Maltseva

Graduate Chair/Advisor

Dr. Anna Lanoszka
Email: alanos@uwindsor.ca

Academic Advisor

Mr. James Hebblethwaite
Email: psychology@uwindsor.ca 

For complete information visit the webpage [link] Psychology's Academic Advising Information 

Sociology and Criminology's Undergraduate Chair is:

Dr. Amy Fitzgerald afitz@uwindsor.ca or soccrim@uwindsor.ca                   
Advisor - advising@uwindsor.ca
or soccrim@uwindsor.ca 

Tel: (519) 253-3000 ext. 2188

Complete information available on the webpage [link] Sociology's Academic Advising Information 
Academic Advising is available during the summer through email and/or Teams meetings.

School of Social Work Academic Advisors:

Please visit the Social Work webpage [link] Social Work's Academic Advising Information for a complete list of advisers and their office hours/contact information.

Updated: January 8, 2025