Animal Care Committee[+]Receive approval for all laboratory and field-based research and teaching using animals.Internal Funding Opportunities[+]Browse internal research and teaching grants offered through the Office of Research and Innovation Services, The Centre for Teaching and Learning, and the Office of Open Learning.Leddy Library Research Management Resources
Office of Research and Innovation Services (ORIS)[+]ORIS supports and promotes research at the University of Windsor, in all faculties, schools, and research centres and institutes, in a variety of ways.Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation (OVPRI)Outstanding Scholars[+]Hire high-achieving undergraduate students from every major on campus. Secure meaningful research assistance without affecting your departmental budget.
Research Ethics Board[+]An independent body responsible for the ethical oversight of all research with human participants conducted at the University, regardless of funding or where the research takes place. Research Finance[+]Supports the research enterprise at the University by providing expert advice, financial accountability, and ongoing management of all research funds.Research Safety Committee[+]Familiarize yourself with University policies and procedures that ensure safe research and teaching practices involving radioactive, biological and chemical materials.