B.A. (Trent), Ph.D. (London)
519 253 3000 ext. 2303
Teaching/Research Areas:
literature of the Restoration and Eighteenth Century
print culture
gender and spirituality
the growth of the animal rights movement in the early modern period
Katherine Quinsey has published extensively on the poetry of Pope and of Dryden, as well as on seventeenth-century poet and translator Edward Sherburne, Restoration poet Anne Finch, Canadian poet Margaret Avison, and Biblical tradition in the canon of English literature. She is editor of Broken Boundaries: Women and Feminism in Restoration Drama (1996),Under the Veil: Feminism and Spirituality in Post-Reformation Britain and Europe (2012), of Lumen: Selected Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (1998), and co-editor of a special issue of Canadian Poetry devoted to the work of Margaret Avison (2007). Her collection Animals and humans: sensibility and representation 1650-1820 appeared in 2017 with Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment. She is completing two books on Pope, one on his religious sensibility, and one on Pope, environmentalism, and animal welfare.
Animals and humans: sensibility and representation 1650-1820
“`Charms strike the Sight, but Merit wins the Soul’: Female Spirituality in The Rape of the Lock.” 300th Anniversary Essays on Pope’s The Rape of the Lock.Ed. Don Nichol. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2015. 119-147.
“Women and Marriage in Restoration England.” Digital programme notes for the Royal National Theatre’s staging of George Farquhar’s The Beaux’ Stratagem (1707), London, England, September 2015..
“Alexander Pope.” Oxford Encyclopedia of Bible and Arts. Oxford University Press, 2015.
“Accident and Intention: Pope, Punctuation, and Providence.” Love, Knowledge, and the University: Proceedings of the Christianity and Literature Study Group, May 2013. Waterloo: North Waterloo Press, 2014. 117-126.