Dr. Jason Sandhar

Assistant Professor                                                                                                                  

B.A. Hons. w/Distinction (SFU), M.A., PhD. (Western)                                                                    



Office: Room 2108 Chrysler Hall North
Phone: 519-253-3000 x2296
Email: jsandhar@uwindsor.ca



Teaching/Research areas

postcolonial literature
eighteenth-century British literature
animal studies 
theory and continental philosophy


Jason Sandhar specializes in postcolonial studies. He is working on his first monograph, Reading the Unhuman: Biopolitics, Interspecies Assemblages, and Postcolonial Precarity in Indian Literature, which explores how literary texts engage with the shared precarity of animals and people at the margins of colonial and postcolonial society. His essays have appeared in The Journal of Commonwealth Literature, Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies, and Postcolonial Animalities (Routledge 2019). 

Recent publications

“‘A Point That Escapes Darwin’: Crises of Colonial Self in the Nature Essays of Edward Hamilton Aitken and Philip Robinson.” Journal of Commonwealth Literature, vol. 58, no. 3, 2023, pp. 692–706.
 “Religious Beef: Dalit Literature, Bare Life, and Cow Protection in India.Interventions: International Journal of Postcolonial Studies vol. 21,      no. 3, 2019, pp. 337–53.
“Plotting the Elephant Graveyard: Anthropomorphism and Interspecies Conflict in Tania James’s The Tusk That Did the Damage.”           Postcolonial Animalities. Edited by Suvadip Sinha and Amit R. Baishya, Routledge, 2019. 147-162.