fuel cell in an engineering lab


Research capabilities:

  • Engages in ground-breaking research and delivers innovative contributions by applying entropy and exergy-based methods to improve performance of energy systems and maximize capital utilization.
  • Top-notch research delivers predictors to control transport phenomena in energy systems to improve their overall efficiency. 
  • Focused on all aspects of the development of next generation energy technology including numerical and analytical modeling, design, and non-intrusive experimental methods.
  • Conducts research in intelligent fuels generation and utilization such as hydrogen, both experimentally and numerically.
  • Explores inefficiencies in macro-scale projects and delivers emissions and cost reduction solutions.

Cutting-edge infrastructure:

  • ShaddowImager system composed of a FlowSense EO CCD camera, long range microscope lens capable for application with particles as small as 5 µm. 
    • Applications: high resolution particle dynamics, flow visualization, bubble mapping, and shadowgraphy applications.
  • Innova 70 Coherent research laser 
    • Applications: flow visualization, microscopy, and Raman spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy, laser pumping, and laser doppler velocimetry.
  • ANSYS & COMSOL Multiphysics software
    • Applications: analysis and visualisation of fluid flows, materials stresses, heat transfer characteristics, aeroacoustics, thermophysical applications and electrochemistry.
  • Light and atmospherically controlled glove box for photosensitive and atmospherically dependant experiments.
  • Ballard Nexa 1.2 kW fuel cell stack
    •  Applications: Observation of transient fuel, oxidant, pressure and temperature conditions on fuel cell performance.

To get involved with I-FuELs

Contact: Dr. Ofelia Jianu
Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering 
519-253-3000, Ext. 5943

Visit intelligentfuelsandenergy.com for more information.