Dr. Ahmed Azab Ismail
519-253-3000 ext. 4958/5771
Office: 3019/1183 CEI
- BSc in Machine Design and Production Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
- MSc in Mechanical Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
- PhD in Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering, University of Windsor, Canada
Research Interests
- Production planning and scheduling
- Computer assisted process and assembly planning
- Sustainable product design and assessment
- Facility layout problem
- Mathematical programming and non-traditional optimization
- Algorithms/systems analysis, design and construction
- Philosophy of education
- Product lifecycle management and robotics
Professional Affiliations
- Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)
Selected Publications
- Britt. J*, Baki. M.F, Azab. A, Li. X, Chaouch. B.A. (2016). A Stochastic Hierarchical Approach for Operating Room Scheduling. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (Revision submitted).
- Vital Soto*. A, Azab. A, Baki. M.F. (2016). A decision support system for the flexible job-shop scheduling problem with a bacterial foraging optimization algorithm. Journal of Manufacturing Systems (Revision requested).
- Naderi*. B, Azab**. A (Corresponding Author). (2015). Modelling and scheduling a flexible manufacturing cell with parallel processing capability. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology. 11:18-27 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cirpj.2015.05.006
- Naderi*. B, Azab**. A (Corresponding Author). (2015). An improved model and novel simulated annealing for distributed job shop problems. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology. 81(1):693-703. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00170-015-7080-8
- Allahyari. M.Z*, Azab. A** (Corresponding Author). (2015). Mathematical Modelling and Multi-start search simulated annealing for unequal-area facility layout problem. Expert Systems with Applications (Revised requested).
Dr. Ahmed Azab is an associate professor of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Director of the Production & Operations Management Research Lab. He has a successful record of industrial experience and publications. He has been involved in projects with local industry and has been effective in acquiring funding as sole Principal Investigator and else. He has earned to date funding from both federal and provincial granting agencies and industrial partners in the amount of approximately $0.4 M. He was one of three researchers to receive a $1M CFI-LOF/MEDI-ORF grant supporting research infrastructure. He has been recipient and nominee for a number of international and national research excellence awards. He serves as a reviewer for a number of international journals; he also sits on the editorial board for Industrial Engineering & Management. Dr. Azab was awarded in 2009 the Outstanding Graduate Research Award at University of Windsor, and in 2015 the Faculty of Engineering Medal of Excellence for his role leading the undergraduate Industrial Engineering program's national accreditation efforts from Canadian Engineering Accreditation Board (CEAB).