Dr. Ming Zheng

Dr. M. Zheng

Fellows of SAE and ASME, PEng
519-253-3000 ext. 2636
Office: 129 CARE Building 


  • Ph.D, Mechanical Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada, 1993
  • M.Sc., Thermal Energy and Automotive Engineering, Tsinghua University, China, 1988
  • B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Transport Technology Institute, China, 1982
  • PDF, Mechanical Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan, 1995

Research Interests

  • High efficiency engines, combustion
  • Emission control & diagnostics; active exhaust after treatment
  • Alternative fuel engines, thermal/fluid systems, IC engine modeling
  • Low-temperature combustion using innovative combustion methods and controls
  • Combustion control strategies using multiple injections, heat release analysis, exhaust gas recirculation
  • Active-flow after treatment
  • Combustion diagnosis and modeling
  • Bio-fuels such as bio-diesel, bio-alcohol as dual-fuel blend or direct injection in pure state
  • High-power ignition with corona, spark, and multi-coil systems with output energy characterization

Professional Affiliations

  • Professional Engineers Ontario (PEO)
  • Member, SAE Compression Ignition Combustion Engine Committee
  • Member, SAE Engine Electronic Control Committee , 2006-Present
  • Fellow Member, Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE) 2016
  • Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineering (ASME)

Selected Publications

  • T Gao, S Yu, T Li and M Zheng; "Impact of Multiple Diesel Pilots on Premixed Combustion of Ethanol Fuel", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: J. of Automobile Engineering, 2017, 1-17. July 3 2017. DOI: 10.1177/0954407017706858
  • T Yanai, G Bryden, S Dev, GT Reader, M Zheng, "Investigation of Ignition Characteristics and Performance of a Neat n-Butanol Direct Injection Compression Ignition Engine at Low Load", Fuel, June 20 2017, Vol 208, 137-148.
  • Z Yang, S Dev, M Jeftic, C Aversa, A Ravi, D Ting, M Zheng, "Preliminary Investigation of Exhaust Pressure Waves in a Single Cylinder Diesel Engine and the Impacts on Aftertreatment Sprays", SAE Int. J. of Engines - V126-3, Paper 2017-01-0616, 10(2), 636-645. 2017.
  • ​S Yu, T Gao, M Wang, L Li, M Zheng, "Ignition Control for Liquid Dual-fuel Combustion in Compression Ignition Engines". Fuel, Vol 197, June 2017, 583-595.
  • X Han, Z Yang, M Wang, J Tjong, M Zheng; "Clean Combustion of n-Butanol as a Next Generation Biofuel for Diesel Engines", Applied Energy, Vol 198, issue C, pp. 347-359.
