Academic open house welcomes visitors to Windsor Engineering

visitors listening to guide speak in engineering labTours of the Centre for Engineering Innovation showing student projects in progress were a highlight of the May 6 Engineering Academic Open House.

Academic open house welcomes visitors to Windsor Engineering

Faculty, staff, and current students welcomed prospective students and their guests at the Engineering Academic Open House on Saturday, May 6.

Visitors were provided with a brief overview of academic programs, supports, awards, and scholarships available in the Faculty of Engineering. Afterwards, prospective students mingled with current students and performed hands-on activities while parents and champions participated in a panel discussion that focused on student support services.

Panellists included:

  • Bill Van Heyst, dean of engineering
  • Jennifer Johrendt, associate dean student affairs, WINONE First Year Office
  • Giselle St. Louis, clinical therapist, and Winnie the therapy dog
  • Lisa Fransen, employer relations co-op co-ordinator
  • Jen Sears, cornerstone design first-year course instructor
  • Simon Du Toit, recruitment officer

Highlights of the day included tours of the engineering labs as well as the courtyard, where student competition projects, like a concrete canoe, formula electric race car, and the rocket team were on display. Students could also meet with members of student clubs, including Engineers Without Borders.

The hosts were happy to welcome visitors from southwestern Ontario and as far afield as Toronto, said Dr. Johrendt.

“As we approach the first deadline for applicants to accept their university offers on June 1, it’s so important that they have a fulsome picture of what it would be like to be a part of our engineering community at UWindsor,” she said. “The event also provided prospective students with an opportunity to meet each other and hear what is important to them during this exciting part of their decision-making process.”

To learn more about WINONE office for First-Year Engineering, contact For more information about Engineering’s Outreach programs, contact Mike Konstantino at

—Naomi Pelkey