Dr. Sreekanta Das

Dr. Sreekanta DasAssociate Dean - Research and Graduate Studies

519-253-3000 ext. 2507
Office: 3041 CEI
Website:  www.hsteg.com


  • Ph.D., Alberta, Canada
  • M.E., Wollongong, Australia
  • B.E., Calcutta, India

Previous Jobs

  • Structural Engineer of Oil and Gas Company, India
  • Research Assistant, Univeristy of Wollongong, Australia
  • Defence Scientist, Department of National Defence, Canada

Research Website

Professional Affiliations

  • Professional Engineer of Alberta, Canada
  • Canadian Standard Association: Technical Committee for CSA S304 - Design of Masonry Structures
  • Member of ISO/TC 261/JG80:  Quality requirements for additive manufacturing in building & construction (structural and infrastructure elements)
  • Others

Research Interests

  • Development of environmentally sustainable cementitious materials 
  • Steel modular construction
  • Construction using 3D printing (additive manufacturing)
  • Behavior of masonry structures
  • Structural and fatigue behavior of steel oil and gas pipes
  • Rehabilitation of structures using FRP

Sources of Research Funding

  •  Various private companies and governmental agencies

Graduate Study Opportunity

Dr. Das is looking for a doctoral student.  The student must have a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and a master's degree in either civil engineering (with specialization in structural enginneering or civil materials engineering) or a aaster's degree in civil engineering materials or master's degree in structural engineering.  Only students with high grades and from reputed institutions will be considered.  

The student must have a strong background in computer programming and writing computer programs using LabVIEW and/or other similar programs for collecting strain, displacement, and load data from various equipment in the lab.  Please e-mail Dr. Das at sdas@uwindsor.ca if you are interested to join Dr. Das' research group and if you have the qualifications required by Dr. Das.  Plese send your detailed CV (with grades), your transcripts for both bachelor's and master's programs, and degree completion certifications.  Also, please send a copy of your TOEFL or IELTS score if you are an international student.  

Selected Journal Publications:  Please visit https://www.hsteg.com/publication

Courses Taught

  • Design of Concrete, Masonry, and Steel Structures
  • Structural Analysis and Engineering Mechanics
  • Others