WINONE Tutorials offer free one-on-one help with course content from senior engineering students. Peer tutors provide support with first and second-year Engineering course material as well as first-hand guidance on the undergraduate experience.
The Faculty offers a mixture of in-person and online tutorial sessions. Students should refer to the site called "WINONE - Undergraduate Resources, WINONE Tutorials, and Announcements" on Brightspace for announcements and schedules. If you are unable to access the site, please email with your request. The Bightspace site also has course-specific resources and an Email too to contact our tutor/mentors.
- Manage time
- Tackle intimidating assignments
- Receive first-hand insight
- Prepare for exams
- Remain motivated
- No commitments necessary
- Drop in during any of the time slots on the schedule through in CEI 1162 or on TEAMS - see the schedule on Brightspace for a session locations. Registration is not required. The Brightspace is called "WINONE Tutorials - Announcements, resources and online sessions" Contact if you cannont access the site.
- Develop leadership skills
- Establish a presence in your campus community
- Receive a $1,000 award
- Become eligible to receive one of two $5,000 annual awards*
- Open to third and fourth-year students who excelled in first and second-year courses
- WINONE Tutorial Scholar Application
Tutors will receive a $1,000 award. WINONE will select approximately ten students to mentor and tutor junior students during weekly tutorials and exam prep sessions.
*WINONE mentors are also eligible to receive the Liburdi Engineering Mentorship Award, a $10,000 annual award that supports two senior-level undergraduate students who are excelling in math and physics.
Refer to Brightspace site: WINONE - Undergraduate Resources, WINONE Tutorials, and Announcements. Note if you do not have access to Brightspace site, that you should email
Need extra help preparing for UWindsor Engineering exams? The WINONE Tutorial team also holds virtual exam review sessions. Annoucements will be made through Brightspace site as midterm and final exams approach. The Brightspace site is called "WINONE Tutorials - Announcements, resources and online sessions" Contact if you cannont access the site.
For more information, email and include the courses you'd like help with.
Room 1162 in the Engineering Student Support Services Centre
Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation