What if electric vehicles are in every Canadian driveway? Solar shingles on every roof? What if you purchase your energy from your neighbour and not your utility?
His work to advance the nation’s energy economy has won a University of Windsor engineering professor recognition as a Canadian leader in sustainability.
Rupp Carriveau was among 50 honourees to receive a Canada Clean50 award during a ceremony on Thursday, Oct. 3, at the Clean50 Summit in Toronto. The awards are distributed annually to thought leaders and advocates and sustainability trailblazers in industry, academia, government.
Dr. Carriveau was chosen after a rigorous selection process conducted by search firm Delta Management from a pool of approximately 750 nominees across Canada.
Carriveau was recognized for founding the Climate Led Energy Evolution Network 2040, CLEEN2040, meant to increase awareness of operational, financial, and environmental opportunities for optimization of Canada’s energy economy.
He has also partnered with Hydrostor for an Innovations in Energy Storage research project that has improved existing grid-scale energy storage and enabled the business case for two new bulk energy storage facilities in Goderich, Ontario, and Strathalbyn, Australia. Additionally, Carriveau’s work on the YR21 Wind Farm Life Extension program is revealing the profitability of life extension for owners of well-maintained wind farm assets.
“The Clean50 come from a very broad array of backgrounds, such that only a few individuals are able to be recognized within any given category,” says Gavin Pitchford, CEO, Delta Management Group. “To receive a Clean50 award is truly indicative of Rupp’s leadership, both within his sector and within the category in which Rupp was named: Research and Development.”