Industrial Engineering Graduate Courses


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Industrial Engineering Graduate Courses

NOTE: Courses may be subject to change. Please check back often. Check your UWinsite for class time/date information.


Course Code / Title

Course Description

Course Code/Title:

INDE 8360-2
Computer-Aided Design  

Course Description:

This course in CAD/CAM/CAE is directed towards students preparing to work as technical professionals and mechanical designers in industry. This course is based on from theory to practice and discusses important integration issues and approaches. The lectures present basic and generic principles and tools; this is supplemented with significant hands-on practice and engineering applications. Much of the learning will result from "hands-on" experience operating CAD software and learning the machining tools and a bit of programming (CAM) as well.

Course Code/Title:

INDE 8900-1
Robotics Fundamentals and Programming

Course Description:

The purpose of this course is to introduce you to basics of modeling, design, planning, and control of robot systems. Topics include coordinate frames and transformations, forward and inverse kinematic solutions to open and closed chain manipulators, the Jacobian, dynamics and control, sensors and actuators. In addition, Global Robotic specifications (GRS) will be introduced at high level 1): Communication control signals device-net safety/tooling, 2): Robot rules of process processes and limits, rough cycle time rules. 3): Robot integration and Programming, interference zones. 4): Payload data analysis, Robot duty cycle (joint's servomotor life), in addition students will learn to develop multi robots work-cell construction as a introduction to DM using the State of art of true DM work-cell design, Tecnomatix (PS, V17.1a; SIEMENS SW) is used.

Course Code/Title:

INDE 8900-30
Production Analysis

Course Description:

Analysis and control of production systems. Demand forecasting. Deterministic and stochastic inventory systems. Aggregate planning and master scheduling. Material requirement planning. Operations sequencing and balancing. Job shop scheduling and control systems.

Course Code/Title:

INDE 8900-33
Product, Process and Business Integration

Course Description:

The course is aimed towards graduate students, preferably with industrial experience, who want to enhance their strategic leadership skills suitable for needs of global manufacturing enterprises, in particular in their future roles as a system engineer making effective decisions in the product development, manufacturing and market launch. Students will work in diverse teams on term-long projects, which take them through the full product development, manufacturing and business/marketing cycle in the global context.

Course Code/Title:

INDE 8900-34
Lean Manufacturing

Course Description:

This course looks at the evolution of manufacturing and looks at lean manufacturing and process improvement (including the use of tools to improve quality process using Six Sigma).

Course Code/Title:

INDE 8900-80
Statistical Quality Control

Course Description:

Quality has become one of the most important consumer decision factors in the selection among competing products and services. Understanding and improving quality are key factors leading to business success, growth, and enhanced competitiveness. This course provides comprehensive coverage of the use of modern statistical techniques for quality control and improvement. Statistical techniques are emphasized throughout the course with a strong engineering and management orientation. This course will give special focus on the design of statistical process control systems, acceptance sampling, and process improvement.