Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext. 3843
Office: 3320, Leonard & Dorothy Neal Education Building
Lana holds a PhD in Language, Culture and Teaching from York University. She has taught in elementary and post-secondary contexts in Canada and abroad with an emphasis on improving equitable outcomes for all students. Lana writes and researches about relationality in education, meaning-making, neoliberalism, and the possibilities for ethically-informed pedagogy.
- Philosophy of education
- Literacy and meaning-making
- Politics of education
- Responsive pedagogy
- Education policy and discourse
Courses Taught
- Language Arts
- Media Literacy
- Issues in Education
- PhD Research Proposal Colloquium
- PhD Current Research, Theories, and Issues (Qualitative Research)
Parker, L., (2023). Making the most of it: Thinking about educational time with Hägglund and Levinas. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 57(6), 1147-1160.
Parker, L. (Ed.). (2023). Education in the age of misinformation: Philosophical and pedagogical explorations. Palgrave Macmillan.
Parker, L., & Smith, K. (2022). Considerations for literacy education in the post-truth era. Journal of Language and Literacy, 24(2), 198-215.
Parker, L., Xu, S., Chi, C. (2022). Chinese pre-service teachers’ perspectives of mentoring relationships in an international learning partnership. Journal of Teacher Education 73(5), 525-537.
Parker, L. (2022). Classrooms as places of productive friction. Philosophy of Education Quarterly, 78(1), 58-71.
Parker, L. (2022). The skin as seen: Thinking through racialized subjectivities and pedagogy with Levinas. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 41(2), 227-242.
Smith, K. & Parker, L. (2021). Reconfiguring literacies in the age of misinformation and disinformation. Journal of Language and Literacy Education, 17(2), 1-27.
Parker, L. (2021). At the threshold: Hospitality and an education for responsibility in the Anthropocene. SN: Social Sciences, 1(53), 1-18.
Parker, L. (2020). Literacy in the post-truth era: The significance of affect and the ethical encounter. Educational Philosophy and Theory 53(6), 613-623.
Parker, L., & Vetter, D. (2020). Mentoring each other: Teachers listening, learning, and sharing to create more successful classrooms. Markham, ON: Pembroke.
Parker, L. (2020). Hospitality at the Intersection of Place, Time, and Self. In E. Lyle (Ed.), Identity Landscapes: Contemplating Place and the Construction of Self (pp. 259-267). Boston, MA: Brill/Sense.
Parker, L. (2019). Deconstructing “Growing Success”: A critical discourse analysis of Ontario’s assessment policy. Critical Education, 10(14), 1-18.
Parker, L. (2019). An argument for Levinasian ethics and the arts with considerations for pedagogy. Philosophical Inquiry in Education 26(1), 33-48.
Parker, L. (2018). “Who are you?”: Developing teacher identity through an ethics of intersubjectivity. In E. Lyle (Ed.), The negotiated self: Employing reflexive inquiry to explore teacher identity (pp. 127-137). Boston, MA: Brill/Sense.
Parker, L. (2018). Rendering uncertainty beautiful: Considerations for teacher education and induction. In D. C. Young, W. L. Kraglund-Gauthier, & T. G. Ryan (Eds.), Readiness for the field: Perspectives from within the triangle of teacher education (pp. 115-130). Champaign, IL: Common Ground.
Parker, L. (2018). Pursuing freedom, making strange: Pedagogical considerations for art as an other. Brock Education: A Journal of Educational Research and Practice, 28(1), 19-31.
Molitor, S., Parker, L., & Vetter, D. (2018). Mentoring for all: Building knowledge and community. Journal of Professional Capital and Community.
Parker, L. (2017). Creating a crisis: Selling neoliberal policy through the rebranding of education. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 183, 44-60.
- Doctor of Philosophy (Education), York University
Major Funding / Awards
- SSHRC Partnership Development Grant Co-Investigator - ($175,679) – The Public Education Exchange
- SSHRC Insight Grant Primary Investigator - (93,100) – Between dissensus and disinformation: Examining possibilities for literacy education in the age of misinformation
- SSHRC Connection Grant Co-Investigator (24,518) – Sealing the leaky pipeline: Developing best practices in mentorship for racialized graduate students
- SSHRC Insight Development Grant Primary Investigator - (47,846) – What is the role of literacy education in a post-truth era?