Dr. Yvette Daniel

Dr. Yvette Daniel

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Contact Information Icon Contact Information

Email: ydaniel@uwindsor.ca
Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext 3824
Office: Room 3337, Leonard & Dorothy Neal Education Building

Profile Icon Profile

Associate Professor, Ph.D. York University

Dr. Yvette Daniel is the recipient of several recent grants, the most recent being the prestigious SSHRC Partnership Development grant, Pedagogies of Repair and Reconciliation (Tikkun): The Embodied Praxis of Youth Civic Engagement (2014- 2017). She is the Principal Investigator/Project Director on a three-year Partnership Development Grant. The partnership’s starting point is Tikkun Olam, the ancient Jewish concept meaning the “repair and healing of our world”. This partnership reaches out to youth aged 16 to 25 from communities in Canada, Kosovo, and South Africa that are in particular need of restorative justice. The goal is to foster and formalize a Canadian-led collaboration for active civic engagement among marginalized youth.

Research Interests Icon Research Interests

  • educational leadership for social justice 
  • education policy analysis, teacher education
  • equity and the integration of technology
  • adult education & community education (especially related to women and literacy)
  • Youth civic engagement and leadership
  • service learning

Courses Taught Icon Courses Taught

B.Ed. Level

  • 80-201 & 80-202 Foundations of Practice (Part 1 & 2)
  • 80-205 Educational Foundations, Law and Ethics
  • 80-207 MILE: A Service Learning Initiative for Teacher Candidates
  • 80-499  Practicum Advising Course

M.Ed. and Ph.D. Level

  • 80- 529 Theories of Educational Administration
  • 80- 536 Introduction to Educational Policy Analysis
  • 81-621 Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
  • 80-527 Research Methods in Education
  • 80- 530 Qualitative Research Methods in Education

Publications Icon Publications

Daniel, Y., & Antoniw, J. (to be published in 2016). Integrating an Ethic of Social Responsibility and Mindfulness with Critical Pedagogy in Teaching for Social Justice: Preparing Teacher Candidates to Respond to Diversity in Schools. In S. Singer & M. Harkins (eds.). Voices from the Margins: Conversations about Schooling, Social Justice, and Diversity. McGill Queen University Press.

Daniel, Y. (to be published in 2016). An integrative approach to educational experiences of immigrant students in urban settings. In N. Dlamini (ed.). Adaptations and Transformations in the New Urban Environment. Routledge.

Daniel, Y., & McLaughlin, D. (to be published in 2016). The shirtless jogger and other important educators: Thinking otherwise to promote human rights and social justice. In W. Smale & T. Guenko (eds.). Perspectives on School Law. Mellon Press.

Daniel, Y. (submitted July 2015). Introduction to a youth-led civic engagement project for Tikkun: A developing partnership across borders. Citizenship Education Research Journal.

Nombuso, D., Daniel, Y.,& Kwakyewah, C. (submitted Aug 2015). Rethinking space, participation and gender: unpacking barriers and opportunities for girls in the urban milieu. Citizenship Education Research Journal.

Lesperance, J., & Daniel, Y (submitted July 2015).Is play a right or a privilege. Canadian Journal of Education, Special Issue Capsule- Thinking differently about Children’s Play.

Daniel, Y., & Antoniw, J (in progress). Rites of passage: Losing voice and power in the apprenticeship model of teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education.

Daniel, Y.,  & Cherian F. (2015).  ‘One is too many’: Personalized guidance for retrieving early school leavers. ENGAGE: An International Journal on Research and Practices in School Engagement, 1:2, 18-34.

Daniel, Y. (2014). Technopragmatism: An integrative and critical thinking approach to online teaching and learning.  In T.G. Ryan & D.C. Young (eds.) The Online Educator: Stories from Within, 54-69. Common Ground Publishing.

Daniel, Y., & Stanton, J. (2014). Learning thoughtfulness in Educational Administration and Leadership. Canadian Association of Principals Journal, Winter 2014, p. 16-21

Daniel, Y., Dlamini, N., Stanton, J., & Koustova, N. (2013). Engaging girls in civic life: Challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS), 3:19, 45-54.

Daniel, Y., Cherian, F., & McLaughlin, D. (2012). Critical thinking as a pedagogical practice: Opportunities and challenges. In R. Flynn (ed.). Canadian Association for the Practical Study of Law in Education (CAPSLE). CAPSLE Annual Conference (St. John’s N.F.) Rights and Reason: Shifting Tides in Law and Education. Peer-reviewed conference proceedings.

Daniel, Y. (2009). Portraits of transformative intellectuals: Leadership for inclusion in public schools. In R. Thomas (Ed.), Canadian Educational Leadership (pp. 45-63). Calgary: Detselig Enterprises Ltd.

Daniel, Y. (2007). The textualized student: An institutional ethnography of a funding policy for students with special needs in Ontario. In M. Devault (Ed.), People at Work: Life, Power and Social Inclusion in the New Economy (pp. 272-295). New York: New York University Press.

Daniel, Y. (2007). School administrators as public intellectuals: Implications for practice. In W. Smale & K. Young (Eds.), Approaches to Educational Leadership and Practice (pp. 41-57). Calgary: Detselig Press.

Education Icon Education

Ph.D., York University, ON, Canada
M.Ed., York University, ON, Canada
B.A., York University, ON, Canada
Teacher’s Certification, David Yellin’s Hebrew Teacher’s College, Jerusalem, Israel

Recent Graduate Supervision

Master’s Thesis

  • Josie-Cozzolino Lesperance (2015). Two schools of thought on play: Rethinking Ontario’s Educational Reform.  (Role: Supervisor)
  • Nonghong Liu (2015). Communication, Conflict and Mental Health: Canadian Chinese Immigrant Parents and Their Children. (Role: Committee member)

Major Paper

  • Jawahar Saifuddin (2013). Parental Engagement in Saudi Arabia: Policy and Practice. (Role: Supervisor)

PhD Dissertation

  • Emily Root (2015) Dis-placing myself: Decolonizing a settler outdoor environmental educator (Role: Committee member)