Major Paper stream students are required to complete successfully 8 graduate courses plus Major Research Paper.
Three areas of concentration: Curriculum Studies, Educational Administration and Leadership & Second Language Acquisition in Culture and Society (SLACS)
Specific requirements include:
- 2 compulsory courses: Research in Education (EDUC-8001) and Statistics in Education (EDUC-8002)
- A research project resulting in the Major Paper (EDUC-8960)
- Candidates in Curriculum Studies proceeding to the degree by Major Paper are required to complete Fundamentals of Curriculum Theory (EDUC-8004) and 5 additional courses, at least 3 of which must be selected from Curriculum Studies
- Candidates in Educational Administration and Leadership proceeding to the degree by Major Paper are required to complete Theories of Educational Administration and Leadership (EDUC-8005) and 5 additional courses, at least 3 of which must be selected from Educational Administration and Leadership
- Candidates in Second Language Acquisition in Culture & Society (SLACS) proceeding to the degree by Major Paper are required to complete Theories and Approaches in Language Acquisition and Instruction (EDUC-8006) and 5 additional courses, at least 1 of which must be selected from SLACS
Full Time students must maintain continuous registration through all terms in the M.Ed. program and complete the degree within 3 years of their first registration.
Part Time students are permitted to miss registering for 1 term without a re-application charge and must complete the degree within 5 years of their first registration. Part-time students may not carry more than 1 course in any term.
Procedures for Students
- A term is defined as a four-month period coinciding with the academic calendar. (January to April; May to August; September to December)
- All MEd students are required to complete an Annual Report (available on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website) and submit it to the Education Graduate Program Office by May 31, every year that they are in the program.
- It is the student's responsibility to ensure their registration each term. Students can register on the SIS for all courses in the Major Paper stream except the Individual Reading Course (EDUC-8340).
- Review the course codes and course descriptions on the website
- It is the student’s responsibility to obtain faculty signatures on all documentation before submission to the Education Graduate Program Office.
- Students drawing upon faculty or university resources, must be officially registered (not just at the time of defence).
- Students should complete all required courses as soon as they are offered. All required courses must be successfully completed before registering in the Major Paper.
Full Time Students
- Full Time Students are required to maintain continuous registration throughout all terms of their graduate program.
- A Full Time Student Leave of Absence may be requested of the Associate Dean (GRC) in the Faculty of Education for reasons identified in the Calendar. The Associate Dean's recommendation will then be sent to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for final approval by the Dean of Graduate Studies.
- Full Time Students are eligible to apply for Graduate Assistantships.
- Full Time Students are eligible to apply for Scholarships. (Faculty of Education Graduate Scholarships & Awards, Faculty of Education Conference Travel Grant, Faculty of Graduate Studies Scholarships & Awards, ETFO Scholarships)
- All Full Time Students (in their first year) are expected to apply for SSHRC and OGS.
Part Time Students
- Part Time Students may register in a maximum of one (1) course per term.
- Part Time Students are permitted to miss registering for one term without penalty. (Missed registration for 2 consecutive terms or more, will require application for re-admission to the program.)
1. Register in your first term courses (using the SIS). Your Personal Access Code (PAC #) is on your offer of admission.
2. Be sure to register in the required courses as soon as they are offered.
3. Activate your uwindsor email account. (Contact the Helpdesk at ext. 4440)
4. Obtain your Student ID card at the CAW Student Centre.
5. Attend the M.Ed. Orientation that occurs during your first term of registration in the program. (See details in the Events Box on our website) RSVP to the Education Graduate Program Office ( at least one week before the Orientation date.
6. Print a copy of the Major Paper MEd Student Program Worksheet and track your courses. Also, plan ahead and insert courses to be taken as they appear by term on the website: /edfac/gradprogram /Course Offerings / Term
7. Contact your Program Advisor if one has been provided for you.
8. Complete 6 courses:
3 required:
1.) EDUC-8001,
2.) EDUC-8002 &
3.) either EDUC-8004 (if you are in the Curriculum Studies stream.)
OR EDUC-8005 (if you are in the Educational Administration and Leadership stream)
5 electives:
•3 from your area of concentration (Educational Administration and Leadership or Curriculum Studies)
•2 from the other stream if so desired, or from your area of concentration
9. Complete all required courses before registering in the Major Paper (EDUC-8960).
10. Arrange for a Faculty member to be your Major Paper Advisor as you near completion of your coursework by visiting Meet the Faculty on our website.
11. Complete a Major Paper Agreement with your Advisor and immediately submit it to the Education Graduate Program Office for processing. If changes are later required on your Major Paper Agreement, please make the changes, and submit a revised form to the Education Graduate Program Office before requesting to go forward to defence.
12. Register in the Major Paper course (EDUC 8960) by using the SIS and continue to register in it every consecutive term after your first registration in it.
13. Apply to the Research Ethics Board if approval is required for your research.
14. Write your Major Paper with the help of your Advisor. It may take your Advisor at least 2-4 weeks to review each draft of your Major Paper. The number of drafts will vary depending upon the quality of the submissions.
15. When your Advisor is satisfied with the final draft, submit a copy to your Second Reader. (Allow 2-4 weeks
16. Make the necessary changes as required by your Second Reader.
17. Go to the Graduate Studies website (Important Dates) to determine the deadlines for defending and depositing the Major Paper.
18. When your committee approves the final Major Paper draft, your Advisor will complete a Defence Request form and submit it to the Education Graduate Program Office at least 10 calendar days before the proposed defence date. This will allow time to book a room, and forward the notice to the Office of Graduate Studies so that it can be posted 8 days before the defence date. The defence notice will be posted internally on the Defence Notice Bulletin Board, on the Education Graduate Program website, as well as on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website.
19. You must be registered, and have paid current tuition, at the time of your defence and deposition.
20. Prepare the Approval Page and take it to your defence. (Approval Page template - Major Paper on the Faculty of Graduate Studies website)
21. At least 7 days prior to the defence, request all IT equipment needed for your defence through the Education Graduate Program Office (ext. 3803).
22. Upon successful completion of your defence, immediately complete any revisions, and submit the Major Paper to your Advisor (and if necessary, committee members) for approval.
23. After revisions have been approved by the Advisor, immediately take a copy of the Major Paper to the Faculty of Graduate Studies on the third floor of Chrysler Hall Tower and deposit it with the person who manages the deposition of Major Papers. (ext. 2104) Further changes may be requested.
24. Your degree is not complete until you have successfully deposited your Major Paper.
*NOTE: Binding costs are the responsibility of the student at the time of deposition.
25. Apply to graduate on-line through the Registrar’s website so that your degree can be conferred. (At the beginning of the term prior to your anticipated completion term, check their website for the application deadline.)
26. It is the student’s responsibility to register their graduate degree with OCT by following the instructions on our website.
Note: The M.Ed. program is not designed to prepare you for teacher licensure or certification. Please see the Ontario College of Teacher website or our Teacher Education website for further information on how to become a teacher.