Miah-Marie Langlois

Faculty and staff Mingle and Jingle all the way

A sweet table worthy of Willy Wonka, complete with a river of chocolate and a traditional horse-drawn carriage ride, were some of the highlights of this year’s Mingle and Jingle faculty and staff Christmas event held on Tuesday over the lunch hour in the Winclare room.

The stand-up party, with hors d’oeuvres, dessert and coffee stations is a departure from the formal sit-down luncheons of previous years and gives faculty and staff a chance to visit and catch up with friends, says catering manager Dean Kissner.

Children’s books provide a view of earlier times

“To my dear little Margaret – a very happy Christmas, with love from Granny.”

This loving inscription, written 111 years ago, lives between the covers of a children’s book protected in the University of Windsor’s Rare Books and Special Collections – preserved for interpretation by scholars and historians who not only study it for its beautiful language and illustrations, but also for what it says about the times in which it was published.

Job posting from Human Resources

The following union position is available to internal bargaining unit members only. Bargaining unit members interested in this position are requested to apply in writing by completing an 'Application for Transfer' form and forwarding it to: Department of Human Resources on or before 4:00 pm on the posting closing date. Please note: Union positions are covered by the union collective agreement, therefore, please be aware that we must allow our qualified unionized staff the first opportunity for transfer or promotion to these positions.

IT Services announces extended hours for service desk

The service desk in Information Technology Services will operate longer hours heading into the end of the semester.

It will open from 7:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. through December 22, except Sundays, when it will open 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. The desk, located in the University Computing Centre, will close with other campus offices from December 23 to January 2.

Lights on trees outside University Stadium

Reception to celebrate retirement of Lucy Brown

Friends and colleagues of Lucy Brown, operations manager in the Document Imaging Centre, are invited to celebrate her retirement at an open house reception from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Friday, December 9.

Brown started at the University in 1970 as serials invoicing clerk in the Leddy Library, moved to accounts payable in 1970 and finally, document imaging in 1980.

Friday’s reception will take place in the centre, on the lower level of Chrysler Hall Tower. Drop by, enjoy a few refreshments, and write something in her book of memories.

Office occupants to make way for window replacement

Occupants of some offices in Chrysler Hall Tower will have to vacate their spaces starting this week while Facility Services replaces windows. Each office will be evacuated for one day and the work will continue through the month.

The project also includes replacement of panels in the skylight over the atrium in the Toldo Health Education Centre.

Finance offices preparing for holiday break

The Finance department advises that its procurement and customs departments will close for the holiday season on December 23 and will re-open on January 3, 2012.

Accounts payable will run payments (i.e. electronic fund transfers and cheques) for the final time of the year on Tuesday, December 20. Requestors must submit all invoices or cheque requisitions for payment by Friday, December 9, to meet this deadline. Any invoices or cheque requisitions received after this date will not be processed until after the holiday break.

Lecture to explore socio-emotional aspects of arguments

Social privilege has an impact on a person’s ability to reason with others, says Justin Ross Morris.

A student fellow at the Centre for Research in Reasoning, Argumentation and Rhetoric, he will suggest ways for argumentation theorists to expand their emotional horizons in “Empathetic Engagement as an Epistemic Responsibility,” on Thursday, December 8, at 3 p.m. in the seminar room of Parker House, 105 Sunset Avenue.