Current Students

Reminder: president to address campus community today

University of Windsor president Alan Wildeman will present his annual address to the campus community at 10 a.m. Friday, January 29, in the CAW Student Centre’s Ambassador Auditorium.

Entitled “2016 - A Leap Year in Many Ways,” the event is open to members of the university community.

Rudresh Jha poses for his UwinCARD identification photo.Rudresh Jha, a new master’s student of applied computing, poses for his UwinCARD identification photo.

Orientation sessions welcome January entrants

Hundreds of registrants taking up studies in January attended Winter Orientation for information about available support services and the transition to campus life.

Fang Fang studyingClasses in most programs end Monday, December 7, so students like education major Fang Fang are hitting the books in preparation for final exams.

Food services adjusting hours for study period

Food services outlets will adjust their hours this week, as students prepare for the end of the semester.

Monday, December 7