The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing will confer an award for work in the field on physics professor Roman Maev.
The International Committee for Non-Destructive Testing will confer an award for work in the field on physics professor Roman Maev.
Physics student Jordyn Matthews won a $5,000 scholarship promoting diversity in technology.
UWindsor researchers are combining ultrasound and artificial intelligence to improve welds in automotive manufacturing.
A company launched Tuesday will market a new way of applying powder coatings that cleans, coats, and works metal in a single operation.
A free public seminar Monday will explore the application of mechanobiology to medicine and diagnostics.
An international conference last month discussed the future of non-invasive technologies in conservation of artworks and the detection of forgeries.
Windsor mayor Drew Dilkens paid a visit recently to UWindsor’s Institute for Diagnostic Imaging Research.
A demonstration of security technologies Monday at the provincial legislature will help to establish the UWindsor research reputation in the field.