University Advancement

Planting carries a message of appreciation

The planting in a new garden outside the Leddy Library will carry a special message honouring faculty and staff members who have “planted a seed” by supporting the University’s fundraising efforts.

The refurbished garden, featuring a bubbling fountain along with trees, grasses and other plants native to the region, is the setting for a reception in recognition of donors to the Annual Giving Program on Thursday, May 24.

May 24 reception to celebrate flowering of campus giving

In donating to the Annual Giving Program, UWindsor employees and retirees do more than support the specific causes most dear to them, says campaign chair Bruce Tucker. This year, they have made a concrete impact on campus beautification.

A reception May 24 to recognize participating donors will also mark the formal dedication of a garden bed that spells out the university’s appreciation.

Report details impact of donor support

Thousands of donors showed their commitment to the University of Windsor last year, contributing more than $4.4 million toward student success, says Jody Maskery, director of advancement services.

“These funds play a large role in helping us to improve the campus as a destination for students from around the world,” she says. “The support of our donors is key to providing the best education for our students and giving our alumni an even greater sense of pride in their alma mater.”

Fossils offer a view into history of life: paleontologist

Special types of fossil deposits allow us very rare clear views of what life was like hundreds of millions of years ago, says paleontologist Denis Tetreault of the earth and environmental sciences department.

He will explore some of those views in his free public presentation “Exceptional fossil preservation: important windows into the history of life,” Wednesday, February 15, at Canada South Science City.

His lecture begins at 7:30 p.m. and is part of the Science Café series, sponsored by the University’s Faculty of Science.