Sarah Woodruff

 Human Kinetics Masters Candidate Sara Santarossa thesis’s survey focused on how four social media sites - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest - strongly affected eating behaviours, eating disorders, body image and self-esteem.Human Kinetics Masters Candidate Sara Santarossa thesis’s survey focused on how four social media sites - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest - strongly affected eating behaviours, eating disorders, body image and self-esteem.

Social networking usage can exacerbate negative body issues, says researcher

A research says young men and women who are addicted to using social networking sites, may suffer from a negative self-image and have a predisposition to such dangerous eating habits

Tables turned on students promoting healthy eating

Ashley Kirby and Jillian Ciccone were pretty stoked about having a meal in the home of a celebrity chef – until they found out they were the ones doing the cooking.

Both masters’ students working under the direction of kinesiology professor Sarah Woodruff, the pair travelled earlier this summer to the St. Catharines home of Sandi Richard, a Food Network host and their academic supervisor’s collaborator.