Sandra Ondracka

Sandra Ondracka, Scott Van Hende, Brittany Jennings, Mike HaveyCampus Recreation manager Sandra Ondracka and acting director of ARS Mike Havey flank the department’s student employees of the year, Scott Van Hende and Brittany Jennings.

Luncheon shows appreciation for athletics and recreation student staff

As Lancer teams advanced in post-season play, athletics support staff worried about the prospect of hosting the Queen’s Cup for the Ontario University Athletics championship in men’s hockey the same weekend as the Final Eight tournament for national women’s basketball.

One thought kept his department from panicking, acting director of Athletics and Recreational Services Mike Havey said Friday: “We knew we had a student employee who could step up and take on that project.”

Innovation and participation earn recognition for Campus Recreation

With 5,000 student participants – and another 1,000 drawn from faculty, staff, and community – Campus Recreation is a huge success story, says intramurals coordinator Josh Leeman.

That success won plaudits last week, as the Ontario chapter of the Canadian Intramural Recreation Association recognized the University of Windsor with its Outstanding Intramural Achievement Award for the sixth straight year. The award honours programs that offer varied activities, promote fair play and build leadership capacity.