Michelle Fitzgerald

Relationships at centre of exchange experience

The University of Windsor takes great pride in its student exchange program, and this couldn’t have been more evident during a farewell party held in Katzman Lounge on November 27.

The gathering included food, drinks, conversation among new friends, and some thoughtful words from coordinator Michelle Fitzgerald, and Clayton Smith, vice-provost, students and international.

“The exchange program doesn’t only changes the lives of the students; it changes the world,” Dr. Smith said.

Host program a chance to extend Thanksgiving celebration

Michelle Fitzgerald, administrator of exchange student services, values the experience of sharing her Thanksgiving with visitors from overseas, and encourages her campus colleagues to consider registering for the Host for the Holidays program.

“If your family dinner is like mine, there is usually so much food that a few more people won't make a difference,” Fitzgerald says. “You are introducing the students to this bit of Canadian culture and at the same time you get to see the Thanksgiving celebration through the eyes of someone else.”

Professors bid farewell to exchange students

Kinesiology professor Jess Dixon single-handedly convinced Alle Koperdraad to come to Canada.

“He gave two lectures in the Netherlands last year, and they were very interesting,” said Koperdraad, a sports marketing student at Amsterdam’s Johan Cruyff Institute. “I was looking for a new experience, and learned we had an exchange agreement with the University of Windsor.”