A team of UWindsor researchers is on a remote island on the East Coast studying the sounds and appearance of the savannah sparrow.
A team of UWindsor researchers is on a remote island on the East Coast studying the sounds and appearance of the savannah sparrow.
Biology professor Dan Mennill will begin a three-year term as associate dean of science for graduate studies and research July 1.
Lincoln Savi, a master’s student of biology, was a finalist in a national competition for his video on the changing song of a tropical wren.
Three University of Windsor students headed north during Reading Week to take part in a course on the Winter Ecology of Birds.
Last week’s Science Celebration of Success honoured accomplishments by faculty and staff.
The University of Windsor made a world-class showing of ornithological expertise last week during the North American Ornithological Congress.
A study of nocturnal migration found that 30 times more birds are flying over lighted areas than unlit ones.
Biology students headed to Lake Erie’s north shore Saturday to observe migrating birds in flight.
A field trip Saturday took ornithology students to bird-watching hotspots in Canada’s migration corridor.
Claire Sanders was finishing an undergraduate degree at the University of Alberta when her fascination with birds began. Now she’s living her dream.
“I took an ornithology class in my final year and I’ve been hooked on birds ever since,” she said. “I start talking about birds and I can’t stop.”