Research and Creative Activity

Roman mosaicA public lecture March 20 will explore the mosaics of Zeugma on the Euphrates.

Lecture to explore ancient mosaics

A public lecture March 20 will explore the mosaics of Zeugma on the Euphrates.

Ngozi OkidegbeIn a March 22 seminar, law professor Ngozi Okidegbe of Boston University will discuss how biased data can reproduce unjust outcomes in bail decisions.

Seminar to discuss algorithmic discrimination

In a March 22 seminar, law professor Ngozi Okidegbe of Boston University will discuss how biased data can reproduce unjust outcomes in bail decisions.
Max Nelson examines a replica amphoraClassicist Max Nelson examines a replica amphora of the kind that would have transported oil or wine across the ancient Mediterranean. In a new paper, he argues that Greco-Roman societies regulated alcohol by law and custom.

Ancient ideals of moderation extended to alcohol: researcher

In a new paper, Max Nelson examines how Greco-Roman societies regulated alcohol by law and custom.
