international students consulting advisorThe International Student Centre can help those in need find support across campus and the community.

Help and guidance available to international students

The University of Windsor offers a number of resources to help international students succeed, says Mike Houston.

Director of the International Student Centre, he says the centre is there when students need it.

“Our staff is happy to lend an ear for any student who needs someone to talk to, whether it’s an issue of immigration, family, academics, or coping with life in a new country,” says Houston. “The door is always open.  We’ll help where we can and provide referral to experts when we need to.”

He invites students to drop in and speak to an advisor at the office on the second floor of Laurier Hall, or to visit the centre’s website, which lists available services for everything from avoiding scams to finding housing and employment, as well as access to mental health supports.

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