Professors Kevin Milne and Pooya Moradian ZadehProfessors Kevin Milne and Pooya Moradian Zadeh will receive awards for distinguished teaching from the University of Windsor Alumni Association during Convocation this week.

Alumni to honour faculty members for innovation in teaching

The University of Windsor Alumni Association will bestow its Alumni Award for Distinguished Contributions to University Teaching on two professors during Spring Convocation ceremonies this week: Pooya Moradian Zadeh of the School of Computer Science and Kevin Milne of the Department of Kinesiology.

The award honours faculty members — nominated by colleagues, alumni, and students — as incentive and encouragement for achieving excellence in teaching and learning at the University of Windsor.

Dr. Moradian Zadeh holds a certificate in experiential learning from the National Society for Experiential Education which has supported his ability to apply these concepts in the redesign and development of several graduate and undergraduate courses. He is known within computer science for his unique and engaging teaching methods, genuine concern for his students, and desire to motivate them.

He describes his teaching philosophy as to help students understand the various aspects of technical concepts and to support them in generalizing their ideas, enhancing their problem-solving abilities, and fostering critical thinking skills necessary for tackling real-world issues.

Moradian Zadeh will receive his award at the 2 p.m. June 5 session of Convocation.

Dr. Milne’s pedagogical approach is summed up in the acronym “ENGAGE”:

  • Explain rather than simply show information,
  • Nourish all ideas, even those that might begin with an incorrect foundation,
  • Generate interest in the wonder of our world,
  • encourage Active participation in classes,
  • be Genuine in my enthusiasm for the learning process,
  • foster an environment where students Enjoy learning.

He has previously received the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance Teaching Award and the Ontario University Student Alliance Teaching Award in 2012; the Faculty of Human Kinetics Student Society Teaching Award in 2013, 2014, 2017; and the Faculty of Human Kinetics Wayne Marino Teaching Excellence Award in 2021.

Milne will receive his award at the 9:30 a.m. June 7 session of Convocation.

Convocation celebrations continue through Friday at the Toldo Lancer Centre; tune in to the livestream on the UWindsor YouTube channel.

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